British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,580

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 17th May 2023, 3:22 PM

I said, a few years back when it was first mooted to be all electric by 2050, it/they was/were living in a fool's paradise.

We'll need to double or treble our electricity generation capacity before that happens, but I don't see many signs of that yet.

Quote: chipolata @ 17th May 2023, 3:32 PM

China will have crushed us all way before 2050.

Highly unlikely. But what are you willing to do personally to prevent it from happening?

Also, of course, instead of the pollution coming from the exhaust pipes of petrol driven cars, it will come from the power stations generating extra electricity for re-charging electric cars. And, given that we were warned of power cuts throughout last winter, how is the National Grid going to cope when we are all re-charging our car batteries on a daily basis?

And as well as the adverse environmental affect of the mining of lithium for car batteries, the underpaid and underaged involved in its mining will also no doubt be grateful if the "electric car revolution" be abandoned.

Quote: DaButt @ 17th May 2023, 3:48 PM

We'll need to double or treble our electricity generation capacity before that happens, but I don't see many signs of that yet.

It's farcical.

Let me see now..............2050. I'd be 105, so might make it, but not with my present state of health, to see if "their" ludicrous dream comes true.

Maybe I'd get to buy a self driving nuclear fusion car with hydrogen thrusters by then - that'd be nice. 🙂

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 17th May 2023, 4:28 PM

Maybe I'd get to buy a self driving nuclear fusion car

Nuclear energy (whether it's fusion or small, safe reactors for every 100,000 people) is our best bet for the next century or two.

Quote: DaButt @ 17th May 2023, 3:48 PM

Highly unlikely. But what are you willing to do personally to prevent it from happening?

Send Greta Thurnberg there to make them see sense.

Quote: Chappers @ 17th May 2023, 6:09 PM

Send Greta Thurnberg there to make them see sense.

Thankfully, she seems to have disappeared from the news cycle, although I'd happily unload her on China.

Quote: DaButt @ 17th May 2023, 6:29 PM

Thankfully, she seems to have disappeared from the news cycle, although I'd happily unload her on China.

Cleaver, we know the Chinese hate American intervention, military boots in another country. Technically Gretta isn't American, or military and their country is already struggling with the effects of their one child policy. They have no defence !

Finally Water UK has today apologised for all the SHIT they have allowed to be pumped into our rivers and beaches in recent years , due to a chronic lack of investment

And YOU will have to pay extra in your bills to address the problem

Hoo f**kin ray

Raging Boris Johnson warned he would punch "lickspittle" Emmanuel Macron's lights out in an angry tirade in No10, his former spin doctor has said.

The PM threatened an "orgy of frog bashing" after the French President criticised his handling of the Ukrainian refugee crisis.


This sewage scandal is an utter disgrace.
Why should we have to pay for years of director's mismanagement and shareholders profits.
Re-nationalise the lot! Same for the railways "17 companies being affected by strikes" 17 FFS!! Really? And where has that got us? Nowhere - just fat cat bosses and worldwide investors share outs.
And the rest - Gas, Electric etc etc bloody nightmares


The population of the UK is rising at an alarming rate for one reason or another.
An un-budgeted for 1 million boat people will be dropping millions of extra turds into the system.
The sewerage system is creaking and at more than capacity.
They have always dumped extra effluent in the rivers and sea (I can remember turds floating in the sea as a boy)
Shit happens.

It's OK everybody, Steve's solved the problem!

I clearly remember swimming in the sea off Lloret de Mar in the mid 1960s, and a large yellow/brown turd floated past just inches from my face - an image that has never left me.................🤢

**EDIT - 5 minutes later. Just had an email from Anglian Water - my bill is about a tenner more than average. It'll be a strain, but an extra shit is on the cards for me today to get my money's worth.

Britain used to be known for it dirty beaches.
Then we joined an organisation (that shall not be named, for fear of starting a massive row) that had a series of directives for cleaning up said beaches.
Things improved dramatically over the next few decades.
Now things are getting worse again.
Shit happens (more often).

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