Billy Bunter
Wednesday 17th May 2023 9:19am [Edited]
The Sussex Coast
4,864 posts
Quote: chipolata @ 17th May 2023, 6:35 AM
Talk sense, mon! Boris Johnson, one of the architects of Brexit, was elected PM with a whopping great majority. So the only people to sabotage Brexit are the people who gave us Brexit n in the first place.
But Brexit was not party political. Plenty of Conservative members were remainers (including their then leader) and plenty of Labour members were pro-Brexit (including, allegedly, their then leader). And that has been the case for the past 50 years with Michael Foot & Tony Benn being famous left wingers who were anti-membership.
The only people that "gave us" Brexit were the Great British public (who, admittedly, should never have been asked in the first place in a parliamentary democracy).