British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,578

Starmer said he was speaking to someone on their doorstep recently and they said how they came her 30 years ago. They had worked all that time, paid tax etc etc and they said it's just very disappointing that they are still ineligible to vote

And Starmer quite rightly agreed

It's daft

Then she's obviously been refused citizenship, or if she hasn't, why hasn't she applied for it? And it's not daft, you can't just give away free voting rights like sweets. If you're born here or have naturalised citizenship, you can vote when old enough. They're precious commodities for true British citizens, not foreign freeloaders who want their cake and eat it. Go and eat a croissant luv. 😊 Or baclava, stollen etc.

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ 15th May 2023, 5:45 PM

"foreign freeloaders who want their cake and eat it..

Like I said, respect has to be earnt.

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ 15th May 2023, 2:26 PM

And nor should they ffs! What the hell do they know about being British after a couple of years living here courtesy of the EU - which makes them politically very Labour/Lib Dem/SNP/Green ...

Alfred, what if your hart surgeon is pulled out of the operating theatre half way through your bypass because his couple of years are up ? A lot of NHS waiting lists are a couple of years currently. When I last looked our government still avoids the cost of encouraging Drs to train locally (it's a 7 year course). We import from Spain who've traditionally overproduced Drs, have a hart. We over produce media studies students which Hollywood use to serve fast food. I think they like the accent.

Never mind doctors

Who the HELL is gonna pick all the damn fruit?


Media studies students on a sandwich course ?

I like that Jacob Rees-Mogg admitted yesterday that the Tories tried to gerrymander the voting system. In his own words: "Parties that try and gerrymander end up finding their clever scheme comes back to bite them - as dare I say we found by insisting on voter ID for elections." It really does make you proud to be British.

Just realised "gerrymander" ...
gerry = slang for German.
mander = wonder.
E.g. Hitler wandering into Poland. Give it rest Rees-Moggy, the war was over 60 years ago ! He's so catty. "Ruskyroaming" would be more current. Less PC ?

Days since last Tory sleaze story = 0

A top businessman whose foreign companies were part of a global money laundering investigation is a major donor to the Conservative Party.

Nigel Farage today

"Brexit has failed"

No shit douche bag

Quote: lofthouse @ 16th May 2023, 11:46 PM

Nigel Farage today

"Brexit has failed"

No shit douche bag

That's because it's been sabotaged all the way by people who can't accept democracy.

Quote: Chappers @ 17th May 2023, 6:23 AM

That's because it's been sabotaged all the way by people who can't accept democracy.

Talk sense, mon! Boris Johnson, one of the architects of Brexit, was elected PM with a whopping great majority. So the only people to sabotage Brexit are the people who gave us Brexit n in the first place.

Quote: chipolata @ 17th May 2023, 6:35 AM

Talk sense, mon! Boris Johnson, one of the architects of Brexit, was elected PM with a whopping great majority. So the only people to sabotage Brexit are the people who gave us Brexit n in the first place.

But Brexit was not party political. Plenty of Conservative members were remainers (including their then leader) and plenty of Labour members were pro-Brexit (including, allegedly, their then leader). And that has been the case for the past 50 years with Michael Foot & Tony Benn being famous left wingers who were anti-membership.

The only people that "gave us" Brexit were the Great British public (who, admittedly, should never have been asked in the first place in a parliamentary democracy).

Quote: Chappers @ 17th May 2023, 6:23 AM

That's because it's been sabotaged all the way by people who can't accept democracy.


Quote: Billy Bunter @ 17th May 2023, 9:19 AM

But Brexit was not party political. Plenty of Conservative members were remainers (including their then leader) and plenty of Labour members were pro-Brexit (including, allegedly, their then leader). And that has been the case for the past 50 years with Michael Foot & Tony Benn being famous left wingers who were anti-membership.

The only people that "gave us" Brexit were the Great British public (who, admittedly, should never have been asked in the first place in a parliamentary democracy).

To echo Lazard's point, who is to blame then? My answer would be the Brexiteers because they proposed leaving without ever coming up with a workable plan as to how to make it work. Or even any plan.

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