Monday 26th March 2007 5:36pm [Edited]
Royal Berkshire
69,982 posts
1) what is your favourite sitcom?
EXTREMELY hard to choose, so let's just say Fawlty Towers.
2) what is your most proferred [sic] sense of humour (e.g. sarcasm, slapstick, satirical)
Like SlagA, if something's funny, it's funny. I don't have a particular type of humour which I prefer; neither do I have one which I implicitly don't like.
3) did the sitcom reflect this type of humour (if not please say why you liked it anyway)
Fawlty Towers has elements of pretty much every kind of humour, and that's why it's so universally popular. It knits them together so closely and with such attention to detail that, unless one really studies the show, it's hard to notice.
4) could you relate to any of the characters or know people that are like the characters?
Again, as SlagA said, there's elements in most of the characters - notably Basil of course - with which most people can identify. His frustration at what he sees as his being dragged down by those around him, whilst he's just aiming for something better and trying to improve is something which everyone has experienced in some form. His catch-22 situation; he really is damned if he does, and damned if he doesn't. And his take-no-shit attitude is something which I think particularly endears him. Everyone has some element of that in them, but are just too polite or restrained to voice it. The partial repression on this front which Sybil imposes, represents that repression which most of us have within ourselves.
5) is it better when characters are exaggerated (sorta in a cartoony way) or kept normal?
Both work on such different levels and can be put in such different situations that I don't think they can really be fairly compared like that. Exaggeration, Basil being a prime example, can help to express something which most experience, know, or understand inside themselves. Normality creates a different kind of link on which people can connect. They have their strengths in completely different areas and have different uses within a plotline.
6)Does canned laughter in comedy annoy you in general?
7) if a t.v station told you that you could create any sitcom, what would it be about and why?
Oooh, the possibilities.