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Craig Charles on BBC Radio 6.

Quote: Chappers @ 25th April 2023, 1:32 PM

Craig Charles on BBC Radio 6.

I like him - he makes me smile whenever I see him. Red Dwarf of course, and Robot Wars etc. etc.

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 25th April 2023, 3:15 PM

I like him - he makes me smile whenever I see him. Red Dwarf of course, and Robot Wars etc. etc.

And he plays such varied music. He even played the Banana Boat song in honour of Harry Belafonte.

Such a prolific artist.

Joe Bonamassa and Paul Rodgers play "Fire and Water".

Quote: Chappers @ 25th April 2023, 5:15 PM

And he plays such varied music. He even played the Banana Boat song in honour of Harry Belafonte.

This is the best Banana Boat Song, by the brilliant Stan Freberg - hilarious!

Bill Drummond, Holly Johnson and Ian Brodie?!

The KLF is returning as promised after 23 years , in Liverpool the hosts of Eurovision. Perfect timing.

Popmaster on Greatest Hits Radio but going off as soon as the quiz is over.

Quote: Firkin @ 1st May 2023, 7:52 PM

The KLF is returning as promised after 23 years , in Liverpool the hosts of Eurovision. Perfect timing.

Look forward to that.

The sound of five or six men stomping around on my roof. Twenty years of Texas sun and hail have taken their toll on the shingles.

I guess I won't be getting any more sleep this morning.

Quote: Chappers @ 25th April 2023, 1:32 PM

Craig Charles on BBC Radio 6.

Again predictably.

Ha! Just as I read this thread I'd put on my Elvis - The Sun Collection CD. All the tracks he laid down at the Sun Studios just before he hit the big time. Love 'em, and show what a great Rock 'n Roll singer he was.

As John Lennon said "Before Elvis there was nothing"

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 2nd May 2023, 2:35 PM

As John Lennon said "Before Elvis there was nothing"

Except for a whole generation of American blues artists...

Quote: DaButt @ 2nd May 2023, 2:47 PM

Except for a whole generation of American blues artists...

But they weren't Rock 'n Roll singers!

Quote: DaButt @ 2nd May 2023, 2:47 PM

Except for a whole generation of American blues artists...

It makes me laugh when Elvis came on the scene - on records and radio

And all these black people were like "what?? Elvis Presley...? Is WHITE???"

They couldn't believe it!

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