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I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,563

I'm reading it didn't work for people on the Three Network

I'm on O2 and I didn't get it either. :(

Quote: chipolata @ 23rd April 2023, 2:54 PM

Was the guy who shot the 16 year old boy who knocked on his door a legal gun owner?

No idea, but I'm not sure why it's relevant to a discussion about mass shootings. I haven't followed the story closely, but I assume the man will be tried and punished if he's convicted - all without the need for additional useless laws, nor repeal of the Second Amendment and confiscation of the nation's weapons. The nation's legal system works fairly well most of the time.

I understand the desire to eliminate or prevent criminal activity before it takes place, but there's not much that legislation can do other than to threaten potential lawbreakers with punishment after the fact. If the death penalty* isn't enough to deter people from mass murder, I'm not sure why people are so quick to clamor for additional layers of legislation.

*Alabama (the location of the birthday party shooting) leads the nation in per-capita death sentences if I recall correctly.

It sounds like you had an emergency alert test? We have them occasionally, and they typically work well. Nothing like a roomful of phones blaring simultaneously. It happened last week when I was visiting my parents in Florida. We were alerted to a tornado in the area.

Quote: DaButt @ 23rd April 2023, 4:09 PM

It sounds like you had an emergency alert test? We have them occasionally, and they typically work well. Nothing like a roomful of phones blaring simultaneously. It happened last week when I was visiting my parents in Florida. We were alerted to a tornado in the area.

We don't get tornadoes, but Putin might sling a missile over

I didn't get an alert. But then I don't have a smartphone. That may have something to do with it.

Can we talk, people of BCG? Diane Abbott must have been imbibing some sort of controlled substance when she suggested that Jews don't suffer racism in the UK. What's she on? I'd like to know.
Like many other ethnic and religious minority groups, Jews in the UK have experienced discrimination and prejudice throughout history. It's like, hello, do we need to remind a British racial-minority MP about the British history of racial oppression?
In 1290, Edward I (you remember him from 'Braveheart', right?) booted the entire Jewish population of England out of the country. Talk about bad manners! Even in Shakespeare's time, Jews were banned from engaging in most of the normal trades and occupations in England and the hero of his 'Merchant of Venice' who was a diamond geezer by the standards of the day would routinely spit on Jews simply because they were Jews. I read that and I'm like like, come on, man!
Today, of course, things aren't nearly as bad for British Jews but that's not to say racism and anti-Semitism aren't everywhere to be found in some form or other. It's still out there, people! This includes incidents of verbal and physical attacks, hate speech, vandalism of synagogues and Jewish cemeteries, and employment discrimination. And it's just not right!
I'm not done yet. Anti-Semitic attitudes and behaviours in Britain have also been documented in various other forms, including far-right extremism, conspiracy theories, and hostility towards Israel that often crosses into anti-Semitism. Please, can we just stop with the hate, people? According to the Community Security Trust, a UK charity that monitors anti-Semitism, there were 1,668 anti-Semitic incidents recorded in the UK in 2020, the highest annual total since records began in 1984. That's just not cool!
So, are we all agreed? Diane Abbott was way way way out of order when she made her recent pronouncement about Jews and racism. I hope we are.
So wake up and smell the kosher coffee, honey!

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 23rd April 2023, 5:03 PM

We don't get tornadoes, but Putin might sling a missile over

The Met says you get about 30 per year:

Yeah little shitty ones!

No massive freakin twisters that pick up buildings and drop 'em a mile down the road

Quote: lofthouse @ 23rd April 2023, 7:29 PM

Yeah little shitty ones!

No massive freakin twisters that pick up buildings and drop 'em a mile down the road

Earlier on today, apparently, a woman rang the BBC and said she heard there was a hurricane on the way. Well, if you're watching, don't worry, there isn't...

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 23rd April 2023, 7:43 PM

Earlier on today, apparently, a woman rang the BBC and said she heard there was a hurricane on the way. Well, if you're watching, don't worry, there isn't...

In 1987, when a few trees got blown over, not dumped on the other side of town - Oh yeah, we need the gov. to interfere with our phones just in case......................

Quote: lofthouse @ 23rd April 2023, 7:29 PM

No massive freakin twisters that pick up buildings and drop 'em a mile down the road

Those are primarily contained in a (large) swath of the middle of the country, but they're no joke. I've experienced a couple of them, and they're nothing to trifle with. Very, very scary.

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 23rd April 2023, 11:46 PM

In 1987, when a few trees got blown over, not dumped on the other side of town - Oh yeah, we need the gov. to interfere with our phones just in case......................

I'm on Three so I didn't get it.

There seems to be heck of a fuss over these emergency warning alarms but they have always existed.

Many years ago, (late 80's, early 90's) I got a government contract to service and report on all the air-raid sirens in Yorkshire.
Every town in England had air-raid sirens on the tallest buildings.
They were big 3 phase motors with two sirens (one at each end)

My job was to check and inspect the control box (and repair if necessary) and simulate a test signal to actuate the siren.
It was a great job - especially winding up the siren. The contract stipulated 5 seconds run time but I often couldn't resist letting a few get to full speed.
Especially if I was on top of a tall building watching the people below looking around with a wtf expression.

These sirens were actuated with a GPO relay on a phone line from a central government office.
The contract suddenly stopped and all the sirens fell into disrepair.

So the recent emergency alerts are just a modern version of that system.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 24th April 2023, 8:54 AM

There seems to be heck of a fuss over these emergency warning alarms but they have always existed.

Many years ago, (late 80's, early 90's) I got a government contract to service and report on all the air-raid sirens in Yorkshire.
Every town in England had air-raid sirens on the tallest buildings.
They were big 3 phase motors with two sirens (one at each end)

My job was to check and inspect the control box (and repair if necessary) and simulate a test signal to actuate the siren.
It was a great job - especially winding up the siren. The contract stipulated 5 seconds run time but I often couldn't resist letting a few get to full speed.
Especially if I was on top of a tall building watching the people below looking around with a wtf expression.

These sirens were actuated with a GPO relay on a phone line from a central government office.
The contract suddenly stopped and all the sirens fell into disrepair.

So the recent emergency alerts are just a modern version of that system.

But with the sirens everyone heard it*, not just a select few.

* Unless you're deaf of course.

Nice of Donald Trump to take time out from his RAPE trial to claim that Joe Biden is the "most corrupt president in history"

Does this fat greasy orange piece of garbage ever shut the f**k up?

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