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I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,562

All the usual right wing cranks are secretly loving that Raab quit - so today they have been able to whine on and on all day about how the 'snowflakes' and 'woke brigade' have forced him from his job - and what a disgrace it is that in this day and age you can't treat people at work like total shit and generally behave like a massive TWAT , without people getting upset and complaining

So, the two bearded twats who strung themselves up on the Dartford Crossing, get 5 years in jail between them, bloody good job.

Apart from the obvious disruption, they held up people going to funerals and hospitals etc.

If I had my way, they, and all the other Just Stop Oil dickheads, would rot in hell.

Let's hope they try it again tomorrow with the London Marathon, and some charity fund raising burly spectators beat the shit out of them.

Come on boys - not a muff about Abbott?

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 23rd April 2023, 1:01 PM

Come on boys - not a muff about Abbott?

As I think I said at the Brighton Conference:

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 13th April 2023, 6:06 PM

Much the same as the Labour Party really.

Glad they've suspended her.
As I think I also may have said at the Brighton Conference...

Quote: Lazzard @ 13th April 2023, 6:14 PM

Well, I'd always take a Corbynista's viewpoint with a pinch of salt - especially when it comes to racism.
But, yes, there's a lot of it about.
I think Labour are better at purging it than the Tories - but there's never an excuse for it.

I'd like to see her follow the career path of every other dodgy politician and get a presenting job on GB News.

Quote: Lazzard @ 20th April 2023, 9:48 AM

Wasn't one of the shooters 20?

To my knowledge, only two minors had been arrested at the time of my response. Six people are now in custody, ages 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, and 20.

Quote: Lazzard @ 20th April 2023, 9:48 AM

And pretty easy to get hold of a gun I'd have thought - isn't Alabama pretty lax on gun laws?

Every state must follow federal law for purchasing a firearm: the purchaser must be at least 18 years old (21 in 22 of the 50 states) and pass an FBI background check of their criminal history. That said, stolen guns are abundant, and that's one reason most Americans oppose the push for additional firearm legislation, as it only punishes (and potentially disarms) law-abiding gun owners while criminals carry on with their illegal activities.

It's clear that the minors were forbidden by current laws from possessing firearms. I'd be willing to bet a paycheck that the following are also true:

1. None of the guns were purchased legally.
2. None of the shooters were NRA members.
3. None of the shooters were hardcore, pro-gun Republican voters.
4. All the adult shooters were prohibited from buying or possessing firearms due to their criminal history and/or history of illegal drug usage.

Sorry about the late response, but I was in Florida when this was discussed, and iPhones don't make it easy to cut and paste replies.

We do love Labour supporters. No matter how bad their MP's are, they can find solace in pointing out bad in others.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 20th April 2023, 10:26 AM

Make the whole country defenseless and take all the guns.
You know, like the UK.
We're pretty sure the government is not going to declare martial law or something.

Here's how it can be done, although it'll likely result in a civil war, a breakup of the Union, and/or tens or hundreds of thousands of deaths.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 23rd April 2023, 2:29 PM

We do love Labour supporters. No matter how bad their MP's are, they can find solace in pointing out bad in others.

I'm not a Labour supporter, although I do think it's time for change. Not that it'll be a huge change since the current Labour party is cautious to the point of cowardice.

Quote: DaButt @ 23rd April 2023, 2:28 PM

To my knowledge, only two minors had been arrested at the time of my response. Six people are now in custody, ages 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, and 20.

Every state must follow federal law for purchasing a firearm: the purchaser must be at least 18 years old (21 in 22 of the 50 states) and pass an FBI background check of their criminal history. That said, stolen guns are abundant, and that's one reason most Americans oppose the push for additional firearm legislation, as it only punishes (and potentially disarms) law-abiding gun owners while criminals carry on with their illegal activities.

It's clear that the minors were forbidden by current laws from possessing firearms. I'd be willing to bet a paycheck that the following are also true:

1. None of the guns were purchased legally.
2. None of the shooters were NRA members.
3. None of the shooters were hardcore, pro-gun Republican voters.
4. All the adult shooters were prohibited from buying or possessing firearms due to their criminal history and/or history of illegal drug usage.

Sorry about the late response, but I was in Florida when this was discussed, and iPhones don't make it easy to cut and paste replies.

Was the guy who shot the 16 year old boy who knocked on his door a legal gun owner?

Yeah yeah we all know Diane is a muppet and every few months she sticks her foot in her gob and says something cretinous

Is she racist? I don't think so , just far too dim to be in the position she is

Do I think there are people out there ready to jump on every word she says ? Yes

Are a lot of these people racist? Definitely

What she had said THIS TIME is moronic and offensive- the party has suspended her without delay - sorted

She needs booting out like her
waste of space chum Corbyn

Tell you what, if I'm mowing the lawn and the govt's "Stand By Your Beds!" alarm ever really goes off, I'm toast.

Don't panic!

I never got any alert....

Typical incompetence from this government 😋

Nothing on mine, but there's an enormous glowing mushroom cloud appeared at the bottom of our gard....................

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