British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,561

Apparently they've been going in this country since 2006, the same year the BCG started (I think).

So it was Aaron's fault!

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 19th April 2023, 11:04 AM

I trust, but know it won't happen, that the bell-end who came up with the ironically named "Smart Motorway", is now no longer in a job.

He/she/they should be accused of manslaughter.

(Thought - why is Manslaughter the same as man's laughter?)

Yet another shooting in the good old US of A resulting in more deaths making 160 this year so far.

Quote: Chappers @ 19th April 2023, 7:50 PM

Yet another shooting in the good old US of A resulting in more deaths making 160 this year so far.

Did you catch Trumps NRA speech?

Such an utter fkn dumb piece of shit

He must literally be senile - nobody of sound mind can have such shit for brains

A perceptive eloquent statement.


Let's see if he's quite so eloquent during his rape trial next week

Quote: Chappers @ 19th April 2023, 7:50 PM

Yet another shooting in the good old US of A resulting in more deaths making 160 this year so far.

Bonus points if you can explain what law(s) could be enacted to prevent such crimes. HINT: The shooters were already forbidden by law from possessing the firearms they used to murder their fellow teenagers.

Wasn't one of the shooters 20?
And pretty easy to get hold of a gun I'd have thought - isn't Alabama pretty lax on gun laws?

Make the whole country defenseless and take all the guns.
You know, like the UK.
We're pretty sure the government is not going to declare martial law or something.

Better luck next time, Elon.

Sunak unable to give his verdict on the Raab bullying report today

It's probably the Labour Party's fault

Or because of Covid

Or due to Putin's unjust invasion of Ukraine


When I was a kid sometimes I would kick my ball into next doors garden

And i would be a bit scared going round to get it back incase they told me off

If I'd done that in America , it looks like I could have got my brains blown out and handed back to me


"Honey, that damn kid just threw his basketball into the yard again - better hand me the shotgun"

.....and another one bites the dust

Knighthood for Raab next?

I'm very pleased for you. You have a nice day now.

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