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The all-in-one consolidatory football thread Page 766

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 20th March 2023, 12:24 PM

Fulham winning 1 - 0 and holding Man U, then 39 seconds of madness.
Hand ball - off. Push/grab ref - off. Manager foul language - off.

Amazing though it's different rules for Manure. What about Fernandez and the assistant and of course they have different rules for "interfering with play."

I wonder how many fans they have following them on away matches..............


One of things I've noticed with my new found super vision, since having the cataract removed and a distant lens fitted in my eye, is on BBC's Final Score when they show the results at the end of the programme, the winning team is shown in bold.

In all the years I have watched the results at 5 on a Saturday teatime, I've never noticed that before!

Go on, give yourself an eye test and see if you can see it what I mean this afternoon.

(Potter's sacking, if you were wondering)

Quote: Lazzard @ 3rd April 2023, 9:39 AM

(Potter's sacking, if you were wondering)

Poor bloke never had a chance.

Quote: Chappers @ 3rd April 2023, 7:46 PM

Poor bloke never had a chance.

He had far too many chances, if you ask me.
He was only hired because he'd do what old Ted Lasso told him.
Should've kept TT.

Quote: Lazzard @ 4th April 2023, 9:40 AM

He had far too many chances, if you ask me.
He was only hired because he'd do what old Ted Lasso told him.
Should've kept TT.

I agree, Ted had no idea. Probably doesn't understand relegation either

Frank Lampard? Straight from the You Couldn't Make it Up department.

He might make a go of it. 😆

There's one fairytale scenario.
And there's about a hundred real-life ones.

But, but, but...could he do a Matteo?

Quote: Lazzard @ 6th April 2023, 4:35 PM

There's one fairytale scenario.
And there's about a hundred real-life ones.

But, but, but...could he do a Matteo?


OK so in all football they've stopped calling them Man of the Match and now Player of the Match.
So why do the women in Ladies football still refer to Man Marking?

This was in this week's East Anglian Daily Times, and it never ceases to amaze me how people can do this with aerosol paint cans, working so close to the "canvas", and this guy came down all the way from Liverpool to do this mural.


Quote from the newspaper :-

"The Millers commissioned Liverpudlian street artist Paul Curtis to complete the piece at their home in Draymans Way after being impressed by his work in Merseyside.
The mural took almost three days to finish after Mr Curtis, 44, arrived in Suffolk on Monday and went for a walk around Portman Road to get a feel for the club's history - including seeing Sir Bobby's statue."

That looks amazing

Have Arsenal thrown their title challenge away? 2 -0 up and cruising until their old enemy, player indiscipline turned the game on its head. Extremely lucky to come away with a point in the end. This could be one of the closest season run ins in decades, but I can't see City letting them off this slip up now.

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