British Comedy Guide

Participate in a study by rating cartoon captions for funniness


My name is Gil Greengross and I am a lecturer in Aberystwyth university. I am looking for people to rate jokes for funniness. If you agree to participate in the study you will be given two files, each containing roughly 500 cartoon captions to be rated. You will have about a month to rate them on your own, in your free time. It takes around 2 hours to rate all the captions. As a possible compensation for participation in the study, I will draw five £50 Amazon vouchers from the pool of raters.

I should note that some of the captions may include aggressive language, such as offensive words or sexual references. If you are easily offended or insulted by jokes, this study may not be for you.

To get the consent form for the study and full study details, please email me at Also, if you have any questions, feel free to email me or post them here. The study has the ethical approval from Aberystwyth university.

Thanks all!


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