British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,548

Trump to be arrested next week

From his own mouth

Hell yeah


The Home Secretary of the United Kingdom has visited Rwanda as part of our countries 'Cash for Humans' scheme. The publicly funded trip is to inspect the buildings and logistics behind the scheme.
As part of the planing for the visit the government ensured that the Daily Mail, Sun and GB News were given free flights and access. Whilst denying access to the Guardian BBC Daly Mirror and the I.
Historically I don't know whether to equate it with a reverse of the slave trade given its people being forcibly sold. Or Nazi Germany given that they are making sure that the 'Camps' we are paying for do not get a through inspection.
On a comedic front and as one for the Seinfeld Aficionados on the scam front the trip is on a par with George Costanza's drive out to the Hamptons with Susan's parents.

What happens to you if you enter - for instance, Australia, illegally or a multitude of countries?
You are sent back from where you came. (on the next plane too)
With no worries about your welfare.

Perhaps it would be just as wise to ask what happens if you're an Australian who lost everything when your country was turned into a penal colony. And then the criminals that came take over your country and you lose all your rights?
Perhaps it would be prudent for all sides to hear the outcome of this earlier government scheme. They could interview some of the Stolen Generation and look into at least one aspect of this type of action.
In the 1900s, many Indigenous children were forcibly removed from their families and communities. It's estimated that as many as 1 in 3 Indigenous children were taken between 1910 and the 1970s, affecting most Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in Australia. This all took place under past Australian Government policies.
Taking children away from their homes, families and communities caused a lot of pain and sadness that still exists today. Stolen Generations survivors suffered a huge amount of grief and trauma, losing their connections to family, identity, land, language and culture. These children have become known as the Stolen Generations.

Thanks for the history lesson, it was a nice deflection.
Look up illegal next time.

No wonder this world is in such a shit state

Boris - criminal and liar hounded from office by his own mp's

Putin- wanted for war crimes

Trump - about to be arrested , probably for paying hush money to a porn star

You really need arseholes like this running the show ...

Quote: lofthouse @ 18th March 2023, 6:16 PM

Trump - about to be arrested , probably because he's still seen as a threat to the party currently in power.

Fixed it for ya.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 18th March 2023, 4:48 PM

What happens to you if you enter - for instance, Australia, illegally or a multitude of countries?
You are sent back from where you came. (on the next plane too)
With no worries about your welfare.

You say"for instance", Australia - but they are, I believe, currently the only country to have such a draconian system.

Quote: DaButt @ 18th March 2023, 7:49 PM

Fixed it for ya.

Don't care what the reason is - as long as he goes down!
(He won't, btw, some bullshit reason will save his orange arse.)

If Trump kidnapped a hobo and dragged him to the 18th hole of one of his golf courses and filmed himself battering him to death with a 3 wood whilst shouting DIE DIE YOU DIRTY SMELLY OLD FUCKER!!!!

It would still be merely put down as some leftwing commie plot

Quote: Lazzard @ 18th March 2023, 7:50 PM

Don't care what the reason is - as long as he goes down!
(He won't, btw, some bullshit reason will save his orange arse.)

He's a complete tool, but I'm objective enough to see that this is partisan politics at their worst. Trump's house was raided by the FBI, but Biden committed the same crime and has gotten away with it (so far). And the fact that the media cover for a president who is clearly not of sound mind scares the crap out of me. It should scare the rest of the world, too.

Quote: lofthouse @ 18th March 2023, 7:58 PM

If Trump kidnapped a hobo and dragged him to the 18th hole of one of his golf courses and filmed himself battering him to death with a 3 wood whilst shouting DIE DIE YOU DIRTY SMELLY OLD FUCKER!!!!

It would still be merely put down as some leftwing commie plot

How many Democrat politicians paid off women/hookers/whatever to cover up their sexual escapades? I have no idea, but the number is probably in the triple or quadruple digits.

The Democrats would be better off against Trump in 2024. He's a divisive hated figure and proven election loser who gets the Dem base out. He's basically the Republicans answer to Hilary Clinton.

Quote: chipolata @ 18th March 2023, 8:56 PM

He's a divisive hated figure and proven election loser who gets the Dem base out. He's basically the Republicans answer to Hilary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton was never president. Trump was. He's his own worst enemy, but the Democrats seem to be afraid of him. I would much rather have Ron Desantis as president, and I think most Republicans would agree. Trump's ship has sailed...and foundered on a reef of his own making.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 18th March 2023, 6:06 PM

Thanks for the history lesson, it was a nice deflection.
Look up illegal next time.

No problem mate I'm always happy to to relay information that may be pertinent to the discussion.
For me many of these people have no access to legal entry in the first instance so by their very nature they are to be classed as 'Illegal'
It was Edward Burke who said:
People crushed by laws, have no hope but to evade power. If the laws are their enemies, they will be enemies to the law; and those who have most to hope and nothing to lose will always be dangerous.
I'm not a fan of mass immigration but I know we need positive immigration on many levels. From brain surgeons to home care attendants and from waiters to investors we need them all.
But what we're being shown here is an idea being passed off as a plan, it won't work its doomed to fail like HS2 and De Loren etc etc etc .
And if you can't see it then its because you don't want to , which is a far too common approach these days by far too many people.

Suella Braverman says she's delighted with the work going on in Rwanda to create " a secure, beautiful, haven & home, for many thousands of refugees."
(Odd? They weren't refugees when they arrived in the UK, but 'illegal" immigrants. What changed?)
Anyway, strikes me this will only encourage the small boats in their thousands, as this is exactly what these refugees are so desperately seeking.
So, more of a reward than a deterrent, surely?
Unless of course she's lying -and it's not actually safe, secure or a haven.
But a concentration camp, thousands of miles away from prying eyes and human rights scrutiny.

What do you know about these concentration camps?
I've not heard anything. Maybe Linekar was correct about the 4th Reich government.

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