British Comedy Guide

Just made a quick sketch - hope you enjoy it

Though I guessed the punchline a beat or two before the end.
But sometimes that's quite rewarding,

I echo that: saw it coming, but thought it was very nicely played.

Thanks both - you raise an interesting point about punchlines. I hoped in this instance, the absurdity of a cakey tea sex chat line would make up for lack of misdirection but as you say, knowing what's coming can be quite rewarding too.

I enjoyed it too. It might help avoid signalling a punchline by shortening the immediate lead up.

Quote: beaky @ 4th March 2023, 11:25 AM

I enjoyed it too. It might help avoid signalling a punchline by shortening the immediate lead up.

Thank you. It's improvised so what came out came out but I'll definitely bear that in mind for the next one.

I liked it! Well performed and well paced. Though afterwards I realised I've seen that sort of punchline done before, but the context here was so different that I didn't see it coming (so to speak).

Loved it, made me laugh

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