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I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,537

The 'kill all the cats' thing is amazing. Wish that had leaked at the time. Proper early-Covid Wild West vibes from it. Back when the government response was just to randomly leak the craziest idea from that day's Thought Camp to Robert Peston for him to then tweet entirely out of context to see how it went down with the general public.

Brick up nursing homes! Yes, and ho! Nationalise Pret a Manger! Yes, and ho! Cat genocide! Yes, and ho!

Oakshott claims she has received a 'menacing' reply from Hanckers in response to her treacherous betrayal

The tease won't say what though! 😋

Supplying an actual Telegraph journalist with every single incriminating Whatsapp conversation he's ever had without any sort of NDA/legal safeguard in place just to try and rush a book out that only sold 4000 copies, and then responding to them all being leaked by sending even more incriminating Whatsapp messages directly to the same journalist might be peak Matt Hancock.

Quote: Crindy @ 2nd March 2023, 3:17 PM

Supplying an actual Telegraph journalist with every single incriminating Whatsapp conversation he's ever had without any sort of NDA/legal safeguard in place just to try and rush a book out that only sold 4000 copies, and then responding to them all being leaked by sending even more incriminating Whatsapp messages directly to the same journalist might be peak Matt Hancock.

She signed an NDA.
Then ignored it.
He's an idiot - it's not like she hasn't got form.
With any luck they'll both sue each other into oblivion.

In which case, that's even funnier


Is it seemly to be discussing serious government business over WhatsApp??

Texting each other like teenagers

"This covid is well mad bruv!"

"Init? I has got a meeting with one of them union dude's later, he is such a dick yeah?!"

"Lolz 🤣"

Quote: lofthouse @ 2nd March 2023, 3:54 PM

Is it seemly to be discussing serious government business over WhatsApp??

Texting each other like teenagers

"This covid is well mad bruv!"

"Init? I has got a meeting with one of them union dude's later, he is such a dick yeah?!"

"Lolz 🤣"

I think it's the "encrypted end to end" bit they like.
Though that sort of goes out of the window if someone decides to print all the juicy bits in The Telegraph.


"I am going to find it very difficult to vote" for the Windsor Framework.

Why? Cos you're never actually in parliament you lazy work shy fool??

Quote: lofthouse @ 2nd March 2023, 4:00 PM


"I am going to find it very difficult to vote" for the Windsor Framework.

Why? Cos you're never actually in parliament you lazy work shy fool??

He's just testing the water to see if there's a "Bring Back Boris" moment on the horizon.
A few of his cheerleaders are changing their tack on the NI deal - started off fairly supportive, now, in light of his posturing, raising questions.
I hope to God he finally manages to split the party.

It's been split for about 30 years

Bojo talking more poop today...

Boris Johnson: "When I stepped down, we were only a handful of points behind the Labour Party... I'm just saying that".

Yougov Poll days before he resigned- Labour 11% ahead

The tories went on and on about Sue Grey being beyond reproach and utterly impartial

Now apparently she's a corrupt biased left wing spy

Doubt it

Irrelevant really , as she wasn't the one who brought fridges full of booze into number 10 , had all night parties and had fights and threw up all over the walls

It's given the "Bring Back Boris" brigade a bit of a boost, so hopefully he'll start shit-stirring again.
And just when you thought they'd run out of straws to clutch at.

Given her role in the Covid Party investigation Starmer has shot himself in the foot and has given the liar Johnson some flotsam to grab onto.
I don't care how competent she is, the optics are beyond terrible and show how f**king naive Starmer is.

I don't agree

I think you massively underrate Starmer - he's not a fool

Apart from anything else, it's put Partygate back on all the front pages

And an implied preexisting bias to go with it that Johnson will milk along with the right wing press.
I understand he is looking for experienced admin but to chose Sue Gray at this juncture was for me the wrong move.
I would be delighted to be wrong but seeing that Johnson declared he will give evidence to the committee less than 24 hours later. That may suggest
that he plans to exploit a hole that wasn't there yesterday.

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