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I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,536

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 28th February 2023, 8:42 PM

Not more bad news, surely.

You've got nothing, SG.
Your position is pretty well indefensible.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 28th February 2023, 8:42 PM

Not more bad news, surely.

Sadly it's a torrent of shit with this lot

In its 2019 manifesto, the Conservative Party made a commendable commitment to end rough sleeping in England by 2024.

Rough sleeping up by more than a quarter in a year

Still it doesn't effect us so who gives a toss eh?

Good bit of Blue on Blue action today.
Matt Hancock hands his private text messages to his biographer, Isabel Oakeshott - who is married to Richard Tice, far-right pundit and Reform UK leader.
She then leaks them to The Telegraph in an attempt to spin them in support of her boyfriend's Covid conspiracy worldview.
Plus drop Hancock in it over the deadly Care Homes Fiasco.
Nice people.

*grabs popcorn*


Quote: Lazzard @ 28th February 2023, 5:30 PM

France, Germany, Spain,Italy, the Netherlands etc etc - what we used to call 'the continent' in the old days.

According to the same website you referenced, Germany and the Netherlands have a higher rate of food cost inflation than the UK.

Sunak came out with his usual crap in PMQs today about "Labour spending other peoples money on uncosted blah blah..."


So are we just forgetting that just months ago Liz Truss CATASTROPHIC mini budget, full of uncosted tax cuts - cost US over £30 billion pounds of OUR money

Or was that Labours fault too?

Quote: DaButt @ 1st March 2023, 3:35 PM

According to the same website you referenced, Germany and the Netherlands have a higher rate of food cost inflation than the UK.

I was looking at the inflation figures - and on looking deeper into the other figures, on pretty well every other indicator they are doing better.
I think the food inflation thing is peculiar to Germany because of their previous energy policy - huge reliance (40%?) on Russian gas - which has turned out to bit them on the arse.
God knows what's going on in the Netherlands - too much ganja probably.

Anyway we just had it confirmed that being in the Single Market is better - by none other than the Prime Minister!

You can now have tens of years pontificating about the bad move.
Not letting it go, you know, like normal people.
something to feel superior about every day over those brexit voters.
But look around you, nowt much has changed.
Tomatogate is about as bad as it gets.
You're from comedic stock, have a laugh, enjoy life to the full - it's over before you know it.
Rushing to these boards every day to decry the lastest scandal or cockup is bad for mentak health.

An unavailability of mental health beds, doctors and transport are leading to severe delays in Mental Health Act 1983 (MHA) assessments that are increasing risks to people and their families.

That was the warning from approved mental health professional leaders as they urged the government to require partner agencies to support the MHA assessment process, as AMHP services are obliged to do.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 1st March 2023, 4:50 PM

You can now have tens of years pontificating about the bad move.
Not letting it go, you know, like normal people.
something to feel superior about every day over those brexit voters.
But look around you, nowt much has changed.
Tomatogate is about as bad as it gets.
You're from comedic stock, have a laugh, enjoy life to the full - it's over before you know it.
Rushing to these boards every day to decry the lastest scandal or cockup is bad for mentak health.

Thanks for the advice.
It will come as no surprise to you that I won't be taking it.
As for my mental health, I'm pretty chilled, thanks for asking.
I laugh regularly and certainly enjoy life to the full - too much, if anything.
But I speak as I find - a phrase from your neck of the woods, I believe.
I will continue to call out charlatans, crooks and liars.
Just sitting back and taking it isn't really an option.
Bread and circuses and all that.

Apart from an upsurge in mouse numbers I wonder what would have happened if the government did kill everyone's cat?
I suspect that the Triple Lock on Pensions would not be enough for cat owners to forgive them.
Logistically I don't think they could have done it anyway as they didn't have the resources.
They would have probably had to relax Euro Immigration so that they could use foreigners to break int people home's to kill their cats, which I suspect could have proved to be slightly controversial.

Being asked to kill our own pets is probably about the only thing that would lead to a bloody rebellion in this country. Even culling our own kids seems more acceptable.

Then again they could have used people on Universal Income to strangle the cats at 50p a head to supplement their wages . As Theresa Coffey said we need to work harder to eat and I reckon the average person could strangle at least 40 cats a day so it would have at least been a viable income stream.

Have I missed something?? 😳

You don't want to know. :(

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