Tommy Griff
Monday 13th February 2023 11:24am [Edited]
451 posts
Quote: lofthouse @ 12th February 2023, 11:19 AM
Well, as long has he beats the living shit out of something with a tree branch - I'll be happy
You could watch him do that in that advert he did a few years back.
Quote: chipolata @ 12th February 2023, 9:11 AM
I hope it is a success, but there's a limit to how excited you can get about an 83 year old man writing a sitcom with his daughter who nobody has ever heard of. And it'd help if Cleese had done something of note in the last twenty years, instead of just droning on about tedious culture war issues. Still, hope springs eternal and all that.
Age (of Cleese) and popularity (of daughter) should bare no prior anxieties about how good a show may or may not be.
I wholeheartedly agree that it is very likely to flop, but we should be grateful that the master is giving this sitcome writing another bash.
It will at least trigger the happy memories and will definitely be interesting to see old man Basil.