Rebranding problems is a tory at their best.
I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,516
They don't dig coke out of the pits/mines they dig coal and treat it - deriving many useful by-products.
That's why I wrote that they we were digging for coal in my initial post as I am well aware of the process.
Quote: Teddy Paddalack @ 8th December 2022, 12:23 PMIt's not coal its coke and its for the export market as our steel plants no longer use it due to upgrading.
As for the economics behind it, it is in the first instance a welcome 500 jobs in the region.
But I suspect that given its level of controversy any coke they dig out will cost about £2 million a ton
This will be thanks the level of security and policing that will be required from 'Pit to Port' due to the level of protest it will create.
And no doubt the Tories will throw billions we allegedly don't have at it in order to show that they can run a coal mine.
Ho ho ho. Is this the quality of propaganda that is being fed to you nowadays.
You don't DIG OUT coke, it's made from coal, particularly the type of coal that this new mine will extract from under the Irish sea.
12.2.1 General
Metallurgical coke is produced by destructive distillation of coal in coke ovens. Prepared coal
is "coked", or heated in an oxygen-free atmosphere until all volatile components in the coal evaporate.
The material remaining is called coke.
Most metallurgical coke is used in iron and steel industry processes such as blast furnaces,
sinter plants, and foundries to reduce iron ore to iron. Over 90 percent of the total metallurgical coke
production is dedicated to blast furnace operations.
Most coke plants are co-located with iron and steel production facilities. Coke demand is
dependent on the iron and steel industry. This represents a continuing decline from the about
40 plants that were operating in 1987.
Making steel without coal
So while research continues in New Zealand and around the globe, there is currently no viable alternative to using coal in large-scale production of steel.
Whatever it is, they're going to be exporting it because there's very little demand here for the kind of stuff they're extracting.
So it's not for the good of the nation, or an alternative to importing fossil fuel from overseas.
It's a money-making project to appease the fossil-fuel lobby within the eternally split Tory party, that sends out all the wrong signals and despoils the UK country side.
In the words of Michael Gove himself - the bloke who's approved the plan, FFS - "substantial harm would occur to the character and appearance of the Pow Beck Valley."

Bill please read my initial post , I fully understand the process that's why I said we were digging for coal.
My next post stated that we will be exporting is the coke as you seem to think that it was for 'Us' and Our steel works which by the way is owned by the Chinese.
That aside Bill you can't possibly see it as a 'Good look' given what we said at Cop 27.
And while the jobs are welcome you have to see how controversial the thing will be from the get go.
It will make Greenham Common look like Alton Towers.
Yes we will be exporting a lot of it, but we do need some and one of the main reasons for opening a new coal mine is independence from Russian coal.
Coal imports to the UK from Russia 2002-2021
Published by Statista Research Department, Apr 13, 2022
The total coal imports to the United Kingdom (UK) from Russia reached approximately two million metric tons in 2021, up 21 percent from the previous year. To compare, in 2013, the UK imported over 20 million metric tons of steam coal, coking coal, and anthracite from Russia.
Quote: Lazzard @ 8th December 2022, 4:05 PMWhatever it is, they're going to be exporting it because there's very little demand here for the kind of stuff they're extracting.
The iron and steel industry is one of the main non-generation users of coal, for coke manufacture, blast furnaces and direct consumption. In 2021 it used 2.6 million tonnes of coal, half of what it used in 2015 (5.2 million tonnes). In terms of total share, it comprised 36 per cent of UK coal consumption in 2021, up from 14 per cent in 2015.
[/qupte] [quote]
Coal imports to the UK from Russia 2002-2021
Published by Statista Research Department, Apr 13, 2022
The total coal imports to the United Kingdom (UK) from Russia reached approximately two million metric tons in 2021, up 21 percent from the previous year. To compare, in 2013, the UK imported over 20 million metric tons of steam coal, coking coal, and anthracite from Russia.
80% is slated to be exported.
Its high sulphur content means its unsuitable for the vast majority of UK steel producers.
Similarly in Europe, as many manufacturers move to more modern processes - more so by the time it actually starts producing product.
Quote: Teddy Paddalack @ 8th December 2022, 4:27 PMBill please read my initial post , I fully understand the process that's why I said we were digging for coal.
My next post stated that we will be exporting is the coke as you seem to think that it was for 'Us' and Our steel works which by the way is owned by the Chinese.
That aside Bill you can't possibly see it as a 'Good look' given what we said at Cop 27.
And while the jobs are welcome you have to see how controversial the thing will be from the get go.
It will make Greenham Common look like Alton Towers.
You are wriggling.
The UK does need coal for steel making, not a phenomenal amount but quite a lot, so we had to get it some where. At present we get it from Russia, which is contrary to supporting Ukraine. Burning the coal for energy is contrary to the 'Save the Planet' aims.
Which is the lesser of two evils? We need steel to make carbon-free energy convertors; there's quite a lot of scrap steel around, but some things need fresh steel, I think, and anyway, the scrap steel needs to be melted to be recycled.
Yes, I appreciate that there are some 'persons' who will believe any old propaganda and won't look at the whole picture. Ask yourself what would the Labour Party do under the circumstances.
And some of the things you said are just plain untrue; UK steel is not able to do without coal/coke.
Bill - we wont be using this new coal for our steel production because its not suitable.
It will probably go to Turkey.
This has nothing to do with Russia.
I hope that about a week after this new mine opens - all the miners go out on strike
Train drivers
Postal workers
Considering their dire working conditions, any chance of Harry and Meghan going on strike?
I couldn't care less about Meghan and Harry - or the Royal Family in general.
But they must be doing something right, as all the commentators that are currently foaming at the mouth about them are just the kind of people I take great pleasure in seeing foam at the mouth.
So, thanks for that H&M, if nothing else.
It's weird how the people who hate Harry and Meghan most are the ones who never stop droning on about them. Move on, and get some fresh hate figures.
The Daily Maul is wall to wall H&M and their lead stalker Dan Wooton is using the same stuff he used until Caroline Flack killed herself.
Let's hope that whatever it is they plan to dig up in Cumbria is used to power steamships so that we can get back to harpooning whales and really lift this country out of the doldrums and give the Maul something to rejoice about .