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I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,515

Quote: Lazzard @ 3rd December 2022, 12:12 PM

Nothing to do with impatience.
Remainers weren't expecting any benefits in the first place - quite the opposite.
The fact that there hasn't been any comes as no surprise at all.

Aye, I phrased that poorly, what I meant was that the benefits of Brexit would have had to appear far more quickly, for Remainers to accept the Brexit is good for the UK. The benefits aren't here yet and will take a while to become obvious. Trade agreements take a long time to negotiate, & it would appear that the consequences of controlled immigration were ignored, the first thing that should have been done by the big organizations (even before the official Brexit) was to set about ensuring better training opportunities for UK citizens, i.e apprenticeships, medical & nursing colleges and even lorry drivers. Instead most industries seem to have dawdled and complain (then and now) that there aren't enough skilled (or unskilled) labourers available for that industry.

A big number of the UK's current problems would have occurred with or without Brexit having happened. It seems the UK only pulls together when there is a major war directly involving the UK. When there is no such war they just make 'war' against the people that have opposing political attitudes. Which is why I said in another topic that the multi-parliamentary party system is useless and should be replaced.

Quote: billwill @ 4th December 2022, 5:57 PM

The benefits aren't here yet and will take a while to become obvious.

Very convenient!

We may well be able to repair some of the financial damage, in time.
Though it's a problem we were foolish to lumber ourselves with.
The cultural damage will be harder to recover from.

Meghan and Harry's documentary-a shocking revelation, "theres a hierachy in the royal family".
Who'da thought?????????

It'll all end in tears when she's used him as much as she can in her schemes, then dump him from a great height. She's nothing but a scheming *** with a massive chip on her shoulder, and Harry is a bloody fool.

Who says the Tory's can't agree on anything?

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 6th December 2022, 3:40 PM

It'll all end in tears when she's used him as much as she can in her schemes, then dump him from a great height. She's nothing but a scheming *** with a massive chip on her shoulder, and Harry is a bloody fool.

You're clearly a "racist", so apparently am I, and the the press, and the royal family, and every person in Britain (including all the cheering,smiling faces celebrating their wedding).

Quote: Lazzard @ 6th December 2022, 4:08 PM

Who says the Tory's can't agree on anything?

If I weren't busy brewing ten gallons of bitter, I'd take screenshots of Dem operatives spewing nearly identical tweets ("P.R. for the world's richest man") while attacking a left-leaning journalist for publishing Elon Musk's expose about how the Democrats suppressed the damning Hunter Biden laptop story days before the 2020 presidential election - and now we have a senile 80-year-old in running the country.

I'm sure you can.
Doesn't happen so much over here with domestic politics - so when it does, it sticks out a mile.
It's the subtle stuff we miss!

The stress is taking its toll - they've aged a hell of a lot in 6 years.............


12 years of Tory rule in an age of rampant technological advancements and an acute awareness of of the entire ecosystem and we're down to digging coal again and taking kickbacks that allows sewage over our coastline and rivers.

Quote: Teddy Paddalack @ 7th December 2022, 8:24 PM

12 years of Tory rule in an age of rampant technological advancements and an acute awareness of of the entire ecosystem and we're down to digging coal again and taking kickbacks that allows sewage over our coastline and rivers.

Methinks we need SOME coal in order to make steel! Should we buy it from the Russians?

It's not coal its coke and its for the export market as our steel plants no longer use it due to upgrading.
As for the economics behind it, it is in the first instance a welcome 500 jobs in the region.
But I suspect that given its level of controversy any coke they dig out will cost about £2 million a ton
This will be thanks the level of security and policing that will be required from 'Pit to Port' due to the level of protest it will create.
And no doubt the Tories will throw billions we allegedly don't have at it in order to show that they can run a coal mine.

Mainly it sends out the wrong signals to countries we are asking to cut back on fossil-fuel production/use.
The govt. know this full well as they rather cynically rescinded their approval of the project, just before we had the presidency of Cop26.
Now they don't have to pretend they care, it's back on the table.
It won't be used to make British steel - or much EU steel, come to that - it's product fewer and fewer people want.

Exactly its importance is in its appeasement of yet another faction within the Tory party rather than its viability or eco morality.
This government is beyond being in crisis and its lifespan is thanks only to the non dom media billionaires who run the country courtesy of the amount of red meat they are prepared to throw at their readers.
Today the Daily Maul is head to toe in Royal stories despite the people of the country either on strike or having to deal with them and a Baroness who has sailed away with £29 million of tax payers money alongside an NHS is no longer fit for purpose due to understaffing and the staff they have needing foodbanks.
As for our airports just in case anyone stupid enough to come here doesn't know how much shit we're in. Then the sight of soldiers in camouflage uniforms at the passport desk should send the message.
If anyone has one positive word to say about this government I would really welcome it because I can't see it I truly can't.

They've renamed "Food banks" as" Food Pantries".
Must make the people queueing up for a tin of beans feel so much better - middle-class, almost.

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