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I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,514

Quote: billwill @ 3rd December 2022, 11:30 AM

But the Remainers wanted to see the benefits yesterday and are now moaning because they aren't here (yet). Just too impatient.

Nothing to do with impatience.
Remainers weren't expecting any benefits in the first place - quite the opposite.
The fact that there hasn't been any comes as no surprise at all.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 3rd December 2022, 10:43 AM

Pissing off lefties mainly.

And yet we all suffer as a result.

How are you suffering?
What has directly affected you solely from brexit?

Just make sure it's nothing to do with advantages denied to the next generation, Chris.
Or your own personal plans for the future.
Steve has made it very clear he doesn't believe that counts.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 3rd December 2022, 4:49 PM

How are you suffering?
What has directly affected you solely from brexit?

Charming Tory attitude. Why, after all, should I care about anything that happens to anyone else ? As long as I'm not obviously directly affected, who gives a toss?
The economy has been severely damaged.
Britain's national standing has been diminished.
Our politics has been destabilised.
We are all suffering!
Don't any of these things bother you?

I'm alright jack

Quote: Chris Hallam @ 3rd December 2022, 6:16 PM

Charming Tory attitude. Why, after all, should I care about anything that happens to anyone else ? As long as I'm not obviously directly affected, who gives a toss?
The economy has been severely damaged.
Britain's national standing has been diminished.
Our politics has been destabilised.
We are all suffering!
Don't any of these things bother you?

As an independent observer in this debate I would have to say that:

(i) The economy has been severely damaged anyway by it being disastrously shut down for two years by the government;
(ii) Our politics has been destabilised by the numpties involved and they would be the same numpties whether we were in the EU or not;
(iii) ditto our national standing. If it is the case that it has been diminished. (But not as diminished as it was during the Labour government of the late 70s when we were known as the sick man of Europe.)

it's always deflection and faux caring. The left in a nutshell
Talk the talk but do FA.

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 3rd December 2022, 6:56 PM

As an independent observer in this debate I would have to say that:

(i) The economy has been severely damaged anyway by it being disastrously shut down for two years by the government;
(ii) Our politics has been destabilised by the numpties involved and they would be the same numpties whether we were in the EU or not;
(iii) ditto our national standing. If it is the case that it has been diminished. (But not as diminished as it was during the Labour government of the late 70s when we were known as the sick man of Europe.)

I. Lots of other countries had to do this too. We have suffered more than most because of Brexit.
Ii. Nonsense. UK politics has clearly been less stable since 2016. We've had more PMs since then than we had in the previous 30 years .
Iii. "Independent" are we ? It doesn't sound like it!

The insane thing is, the tories under Cameron only put an EU referendum in their election manifesto - as a way of putting an end to all the divisions in the party , over Europe

Well clearly that worked like a charm - as the whole party is pretty much tearing itself apart anyway

So yeah, Brexit, 'every cloud' n all that ...!

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 3rd December 2022, 7:54 PM

it's always deflection and faux caring. The left in a nutshell
Talk the talk but do FA.

The left are not in power! What can they do?
It's a shame they're not.
As most of them care more about our people and the fate of the nation more than you obviously do.

Quote: Chris Hallam @ 3rd December 2022, 8:43 PM

Iii. "Independent" are we ? It doesn't sound like it!

I don't know who you are including in "we". Clearly you're not. I am independent because I didn't vote in the referendum and was not a supporter of Brexit.

And being independent means that I can look at the situation dispassionately rather than put the blame for everything on Brexit when, clearly, there are other reasons.

Even Lazzard agrees with that:

Quote: Lazzard @ 2nd December 2022, 10:49 AM

Of course Brexit isn't the main problem.

It's not the main problem - but it's not exactly helping.

More deflection and personal attacks. I stand by my words.
How do you care - what do you actually do that i don't?

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 3rd December 2022, 9:16 PM

...what do you actually do that i don't?

Not vote Tory?


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