British Comedy Guide

Tell us a joke Page 284

Quote: Michael Monkhouse @ 25th November 2022, 8:58 PM

What a f**king awesome place this is... And on that note, I'm outta here. For literally years now, I've been tryna keep this thread going, only to have it thrown back in my face by people whose own output makes J D Salinger look like Geri Halliwell. Enough is enough, guys. I quit.

Ignore the Trolls mate
your work keeping the Skit comp going has been great for the site
And I do like to see this thread stay on the main page as there's no harm in telling some jokes
The site would be much poorer without you

Quote: Michael Monkhouse @ 25th November 2022, 8:58 PM

What a f**king awesome place this is... And on that note, I'm outta here. For literally years now, I've been tryna keep this thread going, only to have it thrown back in my face by people whose own output makes J D Salinger look like Geri Halliwell. Enough is enough, guys. I quit.

Don't be disheartened Mike, it's only that "Non È La Rai" isn't known at all in the UK, so naturally all/most users here won't get it. (It'd be like performing to an Italian audience and doing a gag about Grange Hill or something!) Keep posting.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ 26th November 2022, 7:37 PM

Ignore the Trolls mate

That old standard retort - you need to look up what a troll actually is, and it is certainly not understanding a joke someone has posted, which is all it was.

So we can't criticise jokes now is it? Let's all live in La La land where everything is lovely and you can't comment on something that doesn't come up to scratch.

I've quite often given MM good feedback - at least twice I can think of he has been "stunned" by us both agreeing on something.

I got a job as a baggage handler at Gatwick but was told, first, I had to go on a two week training course.

I thought that'll be easy. How much training do you need for a job like that? But it turned out there was quite a lot to take on board.

People say that I'm not very perceptive and lack self-awareness.
Can't see it, myself.

Micheal I'm sorry you feel like that, you should come back and do what you do as you are part and parcel of the site.
As for your detractors take no notice of them lad, don't let them get to you.
Some people don't like themselves so why expect them to like you?
By the way your jokes are shit , but they're at least yours and that means more than some who post other peoples jokes or funny pictures that they find by trawling the web in a desperate bid to look funny and interesting.
I don't think your situation warrants a Go Fund Me Page, but if there's a Go F**k Them page you can count on my signature.

Quote: Teddy Paddalack @ 29th November 2022, 10:16 PM

Micheal I'm sorry you feel like that, you should come back and do what you do as you are part and parcel of the site.
As for your detractors take no notice of them lad, don't let them get to you.
Some people don't like themselves so why expect them to like you?
By the way your jokes are shit , but they're at least yours and that means more than some who post other peoples jokes or funny pictures that they find by trawling the web in a desperate bid to look funny and interesting.
I don't think your situation warrants a Go Fund Me Page, but if there's a Go F**k Them page you can count on my signature.

He had a hissy fit and he's already back.

Quote: Teddy Paddalack @ 29th November 2022, 10:16 PM

Micheal I'm sorry you feel like that, you should come back and do what you do as you are part and parcel of the site.

He already is back, so get your facts right - he doesn't hold grudges like you - one of the "protest on behalf of somebody else brigade", when it's not wanted OR warranted and so prevalent in today's society. You are talking out of turn, so mind your own bloody business!

As for your detractors take no notice of them lad, don't let them get to you.
Some people don't like themselves so why expect them to like you?
By the way your jokes are shit ,

What a hypocrite! You take up the cudgel over a mild dig of ONE joke, and then say his jokes are shit. As it happens, over the years, I have praised Michael (much to his surprise) - what have you done? Called his work shit, and this is from a so-called "famous" script writer who tells us he has loads of comedy gems he's written, and he's just waiting to be discovered. ?

but they're at least yours and that means more than some who post other peoples jokes or funny pictures that they find by trawling the web in a desperate bid to look funny and interesting.

Presumably you are having a dig at me here, well let me put you in the picture. I have many people appreciate what I post, Aaron likes them, so think on before you let your mouth run away with you, and look to yourself with your ego trip of throw enough shit against the wall script writing and some will stick, BUT we can all see you are having to beat them all off with a stick as script editors and commissioners come knocking at your door.

I've never made a claim that anything I post is mine (literally and mostly), and as this is a COMEDY SITE covering MANY and ALL aspects of comedy, I thought people would appreciate it, WHICH THEY DO. If you don't, then don't look at them, just as I don't look at or read your travesties of script writing.

I don't think your situation warrants a Go Fund Me Page, but if there's a Go F**k Them page you can count on my signature.

All in all, pathetic.

Lad you need to get a dog to walk or something.

Quote: Teddy Paddalack @ 1st December 2022, 9:43 AM

Lad you need to get a dog to walk or something.

I've now had a number of PMs thanking me for giving them a big laugh over my broadside, giving you both barrels, so accept your white flag, as it seems you know you've been defeated in one foul swoop. ?


Let's call a truce, we don't like each other, it happens.
The truth is I use to argue with anyone over anything.
But I've changed I hope for the better.
It's not Damascene conversion, it's just tiring.
As for the initial post, there were no names.
As for incident the perspective to take was Michael's.
He felt it was enough to make him feel unwanted so that's the bar.
Michael is a fixture, as is his competition.
To say any writer doesn't feel pride if they win it would be a lie.
So that's why I made my post.
So, let's get back to ignoring each other again as it works.
It's why I never named anyone in the first instance
As for your posts that are 'Sexual' you need to review them
I have to be perfectly honest and say I don't like them.
They're dead and you need to bury them.
This site has women writers and viewers, its wrong.
But more selfishly if anyone does come onto this site looking for writers.
If they see that type of output, they may think we all act like it's the 70's.
You said my stuff is shit, comedy is subjective and your, opinion is as valid as mine.
You said that I'm desperate and you hit the nail on the head.
At my age and my background, I shouldn't have the dreams I have.
But I have them and like any writer I want to see my words come to life.
So, let's get back to blanking each other and lay off 'Carry On Camping 'stuff please.
On a lighter note, you may have noticed my post about the voices I hear when I read posts.
I have one for you, but I didn't want to cause trouble by posting it
I would have to say it's hilarious, but not it's not offensive.

Now then Mary Shitehouse, don't be trying to censor other posters because you don't like them.
It's not your job.

Its not censorship, it's just an expressed view that I am happy to stand by.
The stuff he posts may have been funny back in the day
Even you must be able to see that it's offensive and it needs to go.
If someone showed stuff like that to someones wife a daughter or niece on a bus
They would be thrown off if not held for the police.
It's not acceptable because it demeans ,you just have to have the sensitivity to see it.

We all seem to have survived seeing them outside seaside shops as children.

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