British Comedy Guide

What are the best exampleseses of comedy that totally lacks opinions? Page 3

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 23rd September 2022, 11:33 PM

Tim Vine is superb! Very, very funny man, and not always puns.

Yep, he's a natural entertainer, and kind of traditional in style but without being dated. Quite refreshing when compared to many other modern stand-ups who can be a bit preachy or 'edgy' or 'woke' or whatever else - whereas Vine is just about the sort of jokes that can appeal to anyone who just wants simple entertainment with no agenda.

Ken Dodd was another who had no agenda, and in fact used to say that different types of comedy are like the colours of a rainbow that go from light jolly, clean comedy to the dark iffy comedy, which he had never stooped to and looked down on.

I was fortunate enough to see him live a few years ago, and will never forget the superb evening/night's entertainment of rapid fire jokes.

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 23rd September 2022, 11:33 PM

Tim Vine is superb! Very, very funny man, and not always puns.

Short and snappy. Sometimes too quick to sink in.

He's doing another Plastic Elvis show at Sutton United soon but as I never really liked Presley I'll probably give it a miss.

Quote: a plate @ 24th September 2022, 1:42 AM

many other modern stand-ups who can be a bit preachy or 'edgy' or 'woke' or whatever else .

Note they're usually called Stand Ups now, without the 'Comedian', which has become a self fulfilled prophesy - They aren't funny, they are just (mostly lefty) commentators on modern life or at their worst, blatant anti Govt. protesters mistaking the Apollo Theatre or whatever for Speakers Corner.

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 24th September 2022, 9:20 AM

Ken Dodd was another who had no agenda, and in fact used to say that different types of comedy are like the colours of a rainbow that go from light jolly, clean comedy to the dark iffy comedy, which he had never stooped to and looked down on.

I was fortunate enough to see him live a few years ago, and will never forget the superb evening/night's entertainment of rapid fire jokes.

I remember when Ken Dodd was on This Is Your Life, the one bit that stuck with me was when one of the guests remarked about his ability to be able to get any audience laughing, something like "whether it's a group of grannies or a gang of punks".

Lovely man - one of those I wanted to go on forever.

as for me, Spencer Jones

Quote: kevjohnson @ 26th October 2022, 12:06 PM

as for me, Spencer Jones

Ah, good call. I keep meaning to check out more of his The Mind of Herbert Clunkerdunk series, I remember finding it pretty intriguing stuff!

The 8 most popular UK comedian

1 Ricky Gervais

2 Harry Hill

3 Jimmy Carr

4 Alan Carr

5 David Walliams

6 Matt Lucas

7 Michael McIntyre

8 Peter Kay

Quote: murtazahashwani @ 15th November 2022, 11:17 AM

The 8 most popular UK comedian

1 Ricky Gervais

2 Harry Hill

3 Jimmy Carr

4 Alan Carr

5 David Walliams

6 Matt Lucas

7 Michael McIntyre

8 Peter Kay

Is this factually correct or your opinion?

I guess it depends on how you qualify or measure "popular" Chappers.

Surely if you look close enough, there's an opinion behind most comedy and most art. A picture tells a thousand words. Bob Dylan has refused to say what his lyrics mean, but in my view they just provoke thought - many different thoughts. So can comedy have no opinion and still be funny ? Or do we laugh, when we get it (it being the opinion) ?

Quote: Chappers @ 15th November 2022, 2:48 PM

Is this factually correct or your opinion?

And are only living comedians considered for the list or does it also take into account those who are no longer with us?

And is it relevant to this thread?

There are, as Johnny Nash once famously asserted, more questions than answers.

Good to see Lofthouse is beginning to think like me 😀 :

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 5th July 2022, 10:08 AM

Comedy? Opinions? If I want to hear other people's opinions I can read the columnists or editorials in the newspapers. Or, dare I say it, if desperate, read certain threads on these very forums. I don't want to listen to the opinions of some random comedian.

I want comedians to be telling me about their wives and mothers-in-law. Or characters to be going in and out of constantly opening and shutting doors with no trousers on. Or for vicars to call round at the most inopportune moments in sitcoms.

Quote: lofthouse @ 9th November 2023, 12:02 PM

Personally I'm kinda more interested in what politicians have to say on the issue

I could give two shiny shits what comedians think about it

They should stick to commenting about airline dinners and mother in laws

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