Thursday 10th November 2022 11:16pm
Royal Berkshire
69,993 posts
Quote: Lazzard @ 10th November 2022, 7:30 AM
'Feel-good', I'll grant you, but comedy ??
I've not seen it yet myself, sounds like it may be a poor one, but yes, it was produced and released as a comedy drama.
Quote: Billy Bunter @ 10th November 2022, 8:20 AM
How the heck can The Lost King be a comedy? It's based on a real life event - and not a particularly amusing one.
Based on. Not a documentary or straight reconstruction of.
Plenty of genuine all time great sitcoms have been based upon writers own experiences, both in the basic premise and individual episode plots. It totally depends on how the writers and directors interpret those events as to whether they are pitching for laughs, tears, thrills, suspense...
Quote: Billy Bunter @ 10th November 2022, 1:22 PM
The dictionary definition of "comedy" is "professional entertainment intended to make an audience laugh". I would argue that, if a film or play is based on a real-life event, it cannot, at the same time, be professional entertainment intended to make an audience laugh. Its intention is, rather, to relate the event in question. Like life itself, it may be amusing in parts but to amuse the audience is not its sole intention.
"Sole" is a word you've picked out of thin air on this one.