I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,489
Delegates at the SNP still enjoying the after conference party at the Aberdeen Travelodge, with a week-long binge.

Quote: Lazzard @ 15th October 2022, 1:36 PMTheresa Coffey is unfit for office.
Fo a Health minister to advocate being able to pick up antibiotics without a prescription - and to go on to admit that she keeps a few about the place to hand out to friends and relatives..!
Anti-biotic resistance is health disaster just waiting to happen - it's a known phenomenon and, simply put, we're running out of AB's that work, and not inventing new ones anything like quick enough.
Things that we've got used to knocking out with a course of ABs will become life-endangering again.
Sooner she's gone the better.
That is all well in progress without Coffey, mind.
Quote: Aaron @ 16th October 2022, 2:47 PMThat is all well in progress without Coffey, mind.
But she not exactly helping.
Slightly at odds with her brief, I would have thought
I see one of Coffey's "new" policies is to involve Pharmacists more in prescribing rather than just order taking. That idea is ancient and common in many other countries. The trick is getting NHS Drs to do things differently. Maybe that's why these comments about antibiotics are coming up again ?

Funny pic.
It won't happen though.
She's gone but he won't come back now.
It's great that so many women climb to the top in the Tory party
It's just a shame that most of them are bat shit mentalists ...

Work this out?
He first chancellor followed her orders to the letter and was sacked for doing so.
Her next chancellor then reverses every single aspect of the platform that elected her and is unsackable?
The Tories have trashed this country's long held global respect and standing.
We are now a nation of half wits encouraged by off shore media billionaires . These gave us Brexit and then made Covid worse with the mantra 'Don't believe the experts'
Well this is what happens when two half wits reach the top and ignore the experts and regularity checks and balances and just have a budget based on their own personal delusions .
We have to get back to listening to people who know what they are talking about based on published evidence and data . And we have to be rid of the worst batch of right wing nut jobs who have trashed the house, pawned all the silver and will still no doubt try to steal the telly on the way out. !
If she sits next to Hunt in Parliament while he trashes every single thing that she has done since she got the job. Then while I am not a doctor, I suspect that that would be ample grounds to have her certified insane .
So she either feigns illness and stays away or attends and proves that she really is ill.
Quote: Teddy Paddalack @ 17th October 2022, 11:53 AMIf she sits next to Hunt in Parliament while he trashes every single thing that she has done since she got the job. Then while I am not a doctor, I suspect that that would be ample grounds to have her certified insane .
So she either feigns illness and stays away or attends and proves that she really is ill.
Really don't see how she can stay after that Budget reversal.
Pretty sure the old school Tories will have her out now.
This is the acid test, if she racks up and tries to keep her post in a Caligula like manner ,then her madness will be there for all to see.
And it will also expose the madness of Tory supporters as people who despite the clear and correct warnings from Sunak went with with her based solely on the fact that she was the white lady who never stabbed Boris.
No doubt the 1922ers would rather she was stabbed on the way to the senate, leaving Hunt front of house and doing his best to look sensible. The fact that he is a total pyscho with mad eyes could be passed of as 'Resolve' By the Mail, Telegraph and the Scum.
The job of running this country shouldn't be decided by 80,000 people..
System needs changing
And I think it will, after this.
Disproportional Representation.