Alfred J Kipper
Saturday 23rd July 2022 8:44am [Edited]
8,462 posts
Quote: Sitcomfan64 @ 19th July 2022, 8:28 PM
Kate and Koji is the most recent one I can think of.
And this one is a good example of why they've become an endangered species. To start with it's very static, not every sitcom has to be a SMDAE but ideally you'd like some action and movement in them. Fawlty Towers hardly got out of the hotel but the movement within it was breathtaking. It's all in the script, if it's inspired, the sitcom will be, if it's flat and banal as is K&K's, the sitcom will be, whoever stars in it.
There have always been flat sitcoms and hit and miss studio sitcoms together with good funny ones, but it's the good ones you remember. The trouble now is there are so very few made that the funny ones aren't hiding the bland ones, and that is giving them a bad reputation with the younger viewing public who weren't around in the golden age of sitcom. They'd rather watch stand ups repeating their shite on cheaper to make panel shows where there are more laughs, as forced as some of them are.
This sitcom also lost its lead actor and is continuing the series with another pretending to be same character, a problem you won't get with "unscripted" panel shows, and it's hardly going to endear studio sitcom to this younger generation of viewers the BBC in particular are obsessed with reaching. Why they are is a mystery, as very few of them actually have a TV licence. The majority who have, and are saying we want more studio sitcoms to watch instead of dramadies and panel shows, are totally ignored because we are not young and cool, even though we fund them. Time for the Beeb to do one.