British Comedy Guide

Bad Sisters Page 2

Ohh - don't get me wrong! I wasn't here to argue with anyone. (who the hell am I to say what is a thing or not). I just didn't personally see this as a comedy, but now that you mention it I suppose it is.

Fear not!
Arguing with everyone is par for the course here.
"Is comedy-drama proper comedy" is up there amongst the biggest sources of disagreement - but it's all good fun.

Utter crap,lets take a mediocre Belgian series and run it through the Hollywood box ticking exercise and transplant it to Ireland cause yeah subtitles suck.
Slick but empty and full of tired tropes like almost all garbage USA telly.Doesn't help that I find Horgan completely without charm/character...I literally like nothing she's ever been in.Coincidence? I think not!

We'll take that as a 'No' then.
Still enjoying it myself- and I'm afraid I'm a bit of a Horgan fan.
Might seek out the Belgian version to compare and contrast.

Very satisfactory ending - albeit completely at odds with my bold prediction (the other half got it right, damn her!).
Really enjoyed it and was rooting for the characters all the way.
Top writing.Top acting.
Still a strong recommend for those who haven't watched it yet.

I like Sharon - especially her writing of her co-character in Pulling. I loved Tanya Franks as Karen.

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