British Comedy Guide

Funny cartoons Page 28

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 10th August 2022, 3:24 PM

I had a discount garden business in the 80s and would often have old boys coming in asking for nicotine, but one stumped me one day when he asked for Paris Green, which I'd never heard of.

On making enquiries I found out it was a name for arsenic. Pre-war gardening was a dangerous business,

Mind you, I was selling some pretty lethal stuff then in the 80s, which you can no longer buy, such as SBK (brushwood killer) - a very strong weedkiller, that was a "watered down" version of Agent Orange, they used in Vietnam, of course.

Shame you can no longer get the original one as it was certain death for stubborn shrubbery etc.

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 9th August 2022, 11:14 PM

I really don't know what the problem is - it was perfectly obvious even in its original state, as posted by me., and am amazed at the different pointers and explanations it has spawned.

I got it straightaway the first time I saw it in a magazine.

Is that from experience?


Gary Larson spawned lots of imitators


Has it improved it?

I like this one........................?


1917 - a time when girls could climb trees without having to worry about their parents slipping puberty blockers into their cocoa.





Quote: alison blunderland @ 12th August 2022, 11:50 AM

That looks incredibly daring (to publish) for 1917.

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 12th August 2022, 9:03 AM

A nice image but surely the ark with dinosaurs would work better with just one of them each, no?

Oh forget that then, I've just noticed it's going the other way. Clever. But a complete reversal of evolutional history.

It going the other way is the clever bit.

But they weren't 'going' anywhere?
Weren't they just surviving the flood?

I like it cos it's so surreal but I have to admit I don't get the joke (if there is one).

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