1940............ and one for the ladies
This advert is magic. I just have to look at it and immediately I become one of Disney's best-known supporting characters.
Too subtle? I hope not.
Quote: billwill @ 10th August 2022, 5:56 PMIn the Ovaltine advert, the face looks as if it was painted/sketched/photographed with the model facing the artist, then the neck and body were done with the model sitting sideways on to the artist. Also the head is too big for the body.
What have you got against people with dwarfism?
I remember it. It was either blue or light green with a generic smell.
I was a Brut man back then.
Interesting, as I don't remember it at all, BUT I do remember Brut, which I couldn't stand!!! Probably to do with my brother in law who wore it all the time, and I didn't like him....................in fact, NONE of our family liked him.
Why did the Avon lady stop calling? Max Factor.
Well dragged back Alf.
That reminds of the corny joke we had when I was in the photographic trade in the 1970s............
Two girls sunbathing and a chap is coming towards them with a camera, which he's lining them up with......
First girl "Is he going to focus?"
Second girl "Probably, but I hope not at the same time"
Life was simpler then............
Reminds me of school days. Prunes and custard.
Then counting the stones as to what you would be when you grew up.
Tinker, tailor, soldier, spy, rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief.
... or, in the case of girls, who they would marry when they grew up. They had no aspirations of becoming anything so exciting as a soldier or (surely "sailor" - not "spy"). Or even, presumably, a beggar or a thief. Let alone Prime Minister!
I can't believe this company isn't still in business.
Quote: alison blunderland @ 14th August 2022, 12:01 PMI can't believe this company isn't still in business.
That's because you're not allowed to use the word "fat" any more. Not even in the case of Thomas the Tank Engine's Fat Controller: https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/showbiz-tv/thomas-tank-engine-fans-told-24737215