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Tory leadership Page 16

Horseradish, please stop. Others in this thread are clearly trying to have a serious discussion on the topic; your 'comic' additional Ses and usual long-winded nonsense are - I would have thought, really very clearly - not being appreciated.

Quote: lofthouse @ 14th July 2022, 6:37 PM

I'd settle for a human being

Not hopeful

Penny Mordaunt is quite attractive. And I like that she's massively woke but having to pretend she isn't.


Omg I'm in hysterics

Truss finished her speach

Left the lectern to clapping

Then stumbled round the room desperately searching for the exit as she had forgotten how to get out


Quote: A Horseradish @ 14th July 2022, 7:22 PM


I preferred your original response.

delete my account

delete my account

delete my account

This is the problem with allowing, indeed encouraging, discussion of topical and contentious matters on what purports to be a comedy site. It's sending out mixed messages.


Quote: Billy Bunter @ 6th July 2022, 11:08 PM

Thought I'd resurrect this thread for when it's needed.

That aside, it looks like the Hard-Brexiteers are getting a bit antsy about not having a proper Right-Wing candidates in the frame. Frosty urging Badenoch to step down to give Truss a boost, whilst briefing against Mordaunt for being 'woke' - which is worse than being a 'Remoaner' now, it seems.
Badenoch having none of it, though.
The debates should be fiery.

I'm not sure Liz Truss is the right wing heroine some people think she is (and she ties Kier Starmer in the boring and charisma free stakes). And as for this Tory anti-woke obsession, it seems to be driven by certain media outlets that can talk of little else. Tail wagging the dog and all that.

True. In the real world 'Woke' issues are considered very low-priority - especially when they're narrowed down to 'Trans' which seems to matter to hardly anybody, except with the issue of sport, where a narrow majority think there should be restrictions on who competes in what.
Quarter of people think 'Woke' is an insult, a quarter think it's a compliment - and the rest don't care/know.
It's just another 'Wedge' issue, now that Brexit has lost its potency.

A narrow majority lol. Like every single sports woman and most of the men - very narrow.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 15th July 2022, 11:15 AM

A narrow majority lol. Like every single sports woman and most of the men - very narrow.

I didn't say among the sporting community - do you even read people's posts before you go in with both feet?
I'm talking about it's everyday importance to the general public - ie it isn't that much of an issue.
As it happens I'm with the narrow majority when it comes to elite sport.

I agree that more ordinary people are concerned about the cost of living crisis and the economy rather than these silly naval gazing woke/anti-woke issues that wind up self-important twerpinn in the media.

Yes. The tedious culture war stuff is the sort of nonsense you can get away with when times are good. But every poll going suggests that ordinary people really couldn't give a flying one when they've got £3000-a-year energy bills on the horizon and their weekly shop is starting to cost what their monthly shop used to cost. It's the economy, stupid.

The good news for whichever brave anti-woke crusader wins the leadership race is that the polls also suggest that nobody's really convinced that Starmer will be particularly good at solving any of the important stuff, so if they actually have a plan to do something about it (or at least to be seen to be doing something about it) in between travelling the country applying post-it notes to toilet doors and complaining about how these days, if you call him Fireman Sam, they'll have you arrested and thrown in jail, then the next election is still very much there to be won.

The point is that as it stands its down to 200,000 or so Tories its not a General Election its a coup followed by the pretence of a vote in which the original manifesto is thrown out of the window.
Has anyone heard anything from the candidates about 'Leveling Up'? No its all about tax its all about Tories and if there is one thing that gets their steam up its people who are not them having any kind of rights. So expect them to try and dodge on most things and push on taxes, triple lock pensions, union bashing , no respect to the Good Friday agreement and loads of police on the streets.
So while the whole trans issue is about less than 0000.001 of the population any form of kowtowing to that would be the death knell for any one of them and they know it.
I am really looking forward to these debates as it will be like having access to a secret Tory Whats App group as every candidate will have to express favor toward what they know the mob really wants.
So they have to:
Love Brexit
Hate Woke
Lower Taxes
Leave any form of Human Rights
Smash the unions
Lower inflation
Praise the man they sacked
Please the Daily Mail
Pass the heatwave off as a homage to the 76 heatwave being voted the best year for 'Community Spirt' outside of war
Then they will have to mention the war that we were in last week in case people forgot why they we wearing tin hats when they should be wearing masks as despite the lying bastard they stabbed in the back as Covid is far from over.
All in all this could become hilarious its like X Factor for Fascists or Britain's Got Tories.

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