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BCG Fantasy Premier League 2022/23

Thank you for setting this up Stephen.

All we need now if for Alf to do the same for Super 6 and not deny it was his baby. ?

Cheers Herc

The new season is live and running - roll up roll up.

Don and Horse, pm me for codes. I can't pm you.

Hall of Fame

12/13 Gerry McDonnell
13/14 Steve Sunshine
14/15 Don Rushmore
15/16 Steve Sunshine
16/17 Gerry McDonnell
17/18 Anton Russell
18/19 Don Rushmore
19/20 Gerry McDonnell
20/21 Steve Sunshine
21/22 Don Rushmore

Quote: don rushmore @ 14th July 2022, 2:04 PM

Hall of Fame

12/13 Gerry McDonnell
13/14 Steve Sunshine
14/15 Don Rushmore
15/16 Steve Sunshine
16/17 Gerry McDonnell
17/18 Anton Russell
18/19 Don Rushmore
19/20 Gerry McDonnell
20/21 Steve Sunshine
21/22 Don Rushmore

Yes but for years the late Ron Noades and his son filled season winning boards like that one on virtually every local golf course near here - all of which Noades seemed to own or have investments in. So much of it depends on what is going on behind the scenes. What is going on behind the scenes?

SG, any rules this year?

Well the 'post every week, clearly didn't work - so that's gone.
So as now, not any I can think of. I am however thinking there will be prizes - real prizes.
Those to be revealed.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 14th July 2022, 8:57 PM

So as now, not any I can think of. I am however thinking there will be prizes - real prizes.

Wow! Can't wait not to win one.


Three people in the league so far
I'll do the songs, Steve can do the jokes, and Herc can work on the tactics
anyone else joining?

Also I'm in on the H2H for the first time
About time I added something different to the Trophy cabinet

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ 17th July 2022, 12:41 AM

Also I'm in on the H2H for the first time

And most welcome ?

Oh yeah I forgot to PM for the code, heh. SG, PMing you now.

We now have 6 players (including Alf when he joins)
What about you Billy? Or you Don. I know you both look in.
Godot's absence is a little worrying though.

I fear we won't be hearing from Godot - it's been two weeks since I PMd him. Very worrying, knowing a bit of his medical history.

Let's hope he surprises us all and makes a last minute appearance!

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 19th July 2022, 9:44 AM

We now have 6 players (including Alf when he joins)
What about you Billy? Or you Don. I know you both look in.
Godot's absence is a little worrying though.

Found these in a folder Stephen, if it's any help - PM addresses from last season

Thanks Herc. I had already sent most of those but as I said, You get a 'uncontactable message' with Don and Horse.

Super 6 is also now up and running.
Pm for code.
Besides the competition, there's real big money to win.

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