British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,422

Always the snide remarks from a certain group. You can't help it, it seems to be your go-to mode.

Quote: Teddy Paddalack @ 9th June 2022, 10:23 AM

If morailty is now on the ticket that suits me down to the ground.
There are two by elections in the pipeline one is because a Tory MP was a child abuser the other is for a Tory MP was watching porn in the Commons.
And unlike the crap you're trying to spout these are facts not fiction. For me its better to If you stick with the facts, otherwise you come across as nasty as well as oafish .

I have not professed to have "spouted" any facts at all thank you very much. But if I ever need any lessons in nastiness be sure you will be the first person that I come to.

Billy Bunter"
I have spouted no facts at all thank you very much. But if I ever need any lessons in nastiness be sure you will be the first person that I come to.

I never said you spouted facts? Because you seldom do. I said you spouted crap because you did.
As for nastiness thats a tad rich given that you came on here using sexual innuendos and false slurs.
But don't let the facts get in the way of your anger lollipop as it amuses me no end.

Quote: Teddy Paddalack @ 9th June 2022, 10:47 AM

Billy Bunter"
I have spouted no facts at all thank you very much. But if I ever need any lessons in nastiness be sure you will be the first person that I come to.

I never said you spouted facts? Because you seldom do. I said you spouted crap because you did.
As for nastiness thats a tad rich given that you came on here using sexual innuendos and false slurs.
But don't let the facts get in the way of your anger lollipop as it amuses me no end.

And exactly what "crap", "sexual innuendo" and "false slurs" did I "spout"?

Why have you forgot?
I'm too busy to be your 'Home Help' by proxy get someone else to read your stuff back to you.

Clearly none then.

I merely made a light-hearted reference to a post that at least three people before me had already commented on. But if I'd known you were going to get involved I wouldn't have posted anything. I try to avoid getting into exchanges with you because I know your posts will invariably contain insults & abuse and, in any case, be largely incomprehensible.

Given how incomprehensible I am can you put these words into the right order for me please' Spat pram dummy out your the' Thanks .

Quote: Teddy Paddalack @ 9th June 2022, 8:25 AM

What gets me about Starmer is that for a QC his advocacy skills are appalling. For me Ed Miliband or Andy Burnham would do a much better job of puttng Spaffer through his paces. '

Truble is, Ed Miliband has already lost one election and Burnham isn't even an MP.

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ 9th June 2022, 7:52 AM

The contrast is affecting his rating as leader and you'd think he'd stab her in the back at his first chance, such an ambitious slimeball he seems to be.

Is he? I wish he was more ambitious. I wish he had more of Boris's ability to see a popular bandwagon and jump on regardless of whether he believes in it or not.

Burnham could be parachuted into a safe seat and if the Daily Mail and the Scum could be held to account for their anti semitism. Ed could have a fair crack of the whip next time based on his policies not his ancestory .

Quote: Teddy Paddalack @ 9th June 2022, 11:45 AM

Burnham could be parachuted into a safe seat and if the Daily Mail and the Scum could be held to account for their anti semitism. Ed could have a fair crack of the whip next time based on his policies not his ancestory .

I like Ed a lot but he's too easy to mock as Mr Bean, even by people whose opinions aren't moulded by the right wing media. And I fear it's too late in this election cycle to get Burnham parachuted in.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 8th June 2022, 8:09 PM

I am reading rumours that Keir Starmer has been across Ang.
This from Labour MP's.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 9th June 2022, 10:38 AM

Always the snide remarks from a certain group. You can't help it, it seems to be your go-to mode.

"I can smell burning!" shouts man who started fire.
You are hilarious.

Quote: chipolata @ 9th June 2022, 11:49 AM

I like Ed a lot but he's too easy to mock as Mr Bean, even by people whose opinions aren't moulded by the right wing media. And I fear it's too late in this election cycle to get Burnham parachuted in.

There's talk of persuading Harriet Harman to step down.

I read that , it would make sense to have a ready option if the Durham plod decide to do Starmer and Rayner . After all the police are up to their neck with the Tories and they always have been. When Ken Oxford was the Chief Constable of Merseyside he was in Thatchers pocket and was all for armed police on the streets to kill the rioters. The rioters by the way were complaining about police brutality and racism.

Ironically Tory-bots are saying the exact opposite - that they're in the steely grip of the Left!
In all honesty, I think the Rozzers are damned if they do, damned if they don't.
They were pressurised into re-opening the case by the Tory party and Daily Mail.
Then Keir upped the ante by saying he'd resign .
Whichever way they fall they'll look like they're bowing to pressure.

I think the crux is that if they do and Starmer and Rayner stand down then the Rebel Alliance will use that as the crowbar to get that lying fat bastard out of number 10.

Quote: Teddy Paddalack @ 9th June 2022, 12:30 PM

I think the crux is that if they do and Starmer and Rayner stand down then the Rebel Alliance will use that as the crowbar to get that lying fat bastard out of number 10.

From what I've seen of the Tory rebels there's not a Luke, Han or Chewy amongst them. And like Emperor Palpatine, Boris will still survive for a legacy sequel even after he's been thrown down an air shaft.

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