British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,419

The real threat to him will not be seen until after the vote. He is already dead because of the call fo a VONC. But those on rations that are tweeting their support such as Truss Gove and Sunka will look at the numbers so as to work out when to stab him in the front, as its happeneing.
That booing really was the eye opener for those who thought that Johnson was still some how still popular. But that is there own fault for not only reading the Daily Mail but actually also believing it.

The PM's team have sent a document to Tory MPs saying they should back him in the vote to allow ministers to focus on the war in Ukraine..

It's a good job they didn't have that mindset in 1940. Or indeed 1916.

Do you think Boris is focussing on the Ukraine? I find it hard to imagine him focussing on anything. Bless him.

Also, it's a weird logic that says we can't change a PM if a war is going on somewhere. It sort of encourages PMs to start wars.

It's absolute tripe.
He's hardly Churchill.

Quote: Lazzard @ 6th June 2022, 11:51 AM

It's absolute tripe.
He's hardly Churchill.

He's not even Harry Hill.

Nadine Dorries isn't exactly helping.?

Quote: Lazzard @ 6th June 2022, 11:51 AM

It's absolute tripe.
He's hardly Churchill.

Churchill was still dumped after the end of WW2

Didn't do him much good!

Quote: lofthouse @ 6th June 2022, 6:10 PM

Churchill was still dumped after the end of WW2

Didn't do him much good!

Just saying - he was handy in a crisis.
Boris is just one crisis after another.

Why is anyone linking this half wit with Churchill?
First off we are not at war no more than we were during Vietnam
Churchill was an out and out tory and his policies were borderline sociopathic.
But unlike Johnson and the Russians. Churchill was onto the Nazis early doors and didn't take money off them.
Churchil had bottle and great oratory skills along with integrity and vision.
There is no comaparisson with Jonnson who has been sacked for lying, conspired to assault a reporter along with massive list of dishonesty and deciet.

The main comparison seems to be that they both spent half their time in number 10 throwing booze down their gobs

I just saw a Tweet outlining the fact that the votes started at 6, today is the sixth and it's the 6th month. It looks like beasts number is up.

Blinkers on chaps - Kier did no such thing.
No matter which media you read, the Boris haters are in full spiteful voice.
I read on here and elsewhere that the majority or even everyone hates Boris.
How can the left ever get into power when every last one is nasty, vengeful and downright horrible.
The silent moderate voters see to that?

Stephen even for a comedy page describing yourself as a moderate is beyond hilarous. You should send that one off. I actually laughed out loud and I don't often do that to be honest so thanks .

Just read all the comments about our prime minister. (Including your own)
Pick out the moderate or nice ones. Good luck.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 6th June 2022, 7:50 PM

How can the left ever get into power when every last one is nasty, vengeful and downright horrible.

Kier Starmer bought a donkey sanctuary for his mom. What a nasty and downright horrible thing to do.

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