Monday 16th May 2022 7:46pm
913 posts
Quote: Steve Whyley @ 16th May 2022, 3:34 PM
My mate and I somehow won this back in 2019. It's a complete game-changer so if you forgot to enter this time around I'd definitely recommend it for next time. Appreciate it's a lot of money but there is a bursary available and of the different competitions we've entered this seemed to have the prize in that you get to see your show acted out by professional actors (we had Charly Clive, Greg McHugh and others) and a proper director (Ella Jones) overseeing it all! Then you get the chance to meet producers both on the night and long after the event has ended.
For those who have entered, good luck! From our experience we heard after around a month if we'd been shortlisted and then 3 weeks after that we found out we'd won. So you should know in about 2 months if you're a winner or not!
Nice! Well done! (For 2019)
I didn't enter in the end. Not the aforementioned chickening out, it was just that on review, I felt mine wasn't quite as strong as I want it to be for submitting to something like BAFTA.
All the supporting materials are done and as I said before I like to let myself run away with it and plan a whole bloody series and show and imagine where my characters end, so I now have two shows with plans. And whenever the Galton/Simpson Bursary may come back and Future Rocliffes, I may have 2 different projects in good shape. And then decide which one to put out in the world haha.