Yes Even without hearing anything it's obvious Ukraine will "win".
Eurovision Song Contest Page 42
Quote: Chappers @ 12th May 2022, 9:05 PMYes Even without hearing anything it's obvious Ukraine will "win".
Get down your local bookies quick then. It'll be like buying money.
It's a slight shame that Ukraine will easily win it as the voting bit (if it's close) is probably the best bit.
Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ 12th May 2022, 9:24 AMI hope their song's utter crap, because it's going to win whatever happens. Just to confirm what a load of eurobollocks this bent campfest is.
It's weird that you don't like Eurovision because it's pretty much the sitcom of music. Big, broad, camp, and despised by the elitist critics. It's the musical equivalent of Allo Allo.
Quote: Lazzard @ 11th May 2022, 8:56 AMBusiness as usual at Eurovision, I see...
They have mostly got masks on - camp or horror movie style. In a couple, a hint of don't have a go at me or my personal life or I shall join ISIS. What I am hoping for is an uber "liberal" thing of a woman in thigh length boots and bare chested blokes lifting her up in front of a pro Nazi themed pornographic hellfire of damnation. Whoops, sorry. That was one of the years Ukraine won it wasn't it.
Chappers is right. They are going to get maximum points from everyone just as a nuclear bomb hits Shepherd's Bush. Lovely to see that Finland and Sweden sailed through the semis though. Oooooooo........I think this is the word we use here isn't it........I wonder how that could be? Must be the music. Anyhow, good luck to Pearl and Teddy. They will come last but in a very spiffing sort of way. Champion!
Norway's Subwoolfer (Song - This Wolf Is Bananas (B-A-N-A-N-A-S)) are the oldest act ever to take the Eurovision stage, having formed 4.5 billion years ago on the moon before coming to Earth to dominate pop music. Yeah - and I'm Daddy Christmas. I'm giving global armageddon 12 points.
What does Give Peace a Chan mean?
I don't think I can watch this if it turns out that it is full of foreigners.
Everyone apart from Steve must be glued to it. I have given up on it for donkey's years but this is the best set of songs for more than a decade. Obviously still a lot of duff ones. About two thirds of them. But the UK one is at least a solid effort and that woman presenter is delightful. I thought to be honest she had retired after The Addams Family. Anyhow, I likes Moldova because it is a proper song and there aren't any polysexuals in it. It's just a damned shame that bloody Ukraine is going to win it.
Good luck UK
But I feel that if Freddy had got Rod and Jane involved then we would have had more of a chance

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ 14th May 2022, 10:15 PM[url=]
When did they win it?
Vote Moldova:
I've molled it over already
And i Vote Freddy
The weirder looking the performer, the more bland and formulaic the song. Ghastly, tedious wankfest.
Bollocks. Thank you so much Boris Ukraine Fetishist Johnson. You have just lost us the Eurovision Song Contest. Unless it is going to be held in a bunker, it is going to be us again picking up the tab to host it next year isn't it. If we aren't nuked. By rights, we should be the only country in it anyway. All those other people.....I mean, who the bleeding hell are they?
For the first time in memory, there wasn't a single song this year I didn't completely hate with every fibre of my being.
France and Ukraine both came very close though.
Quote: Aaron @ 15th May 2022, 12:34 PMFor the first time in memory, there wasn't a single song this year I didn't completely hate with every fibre of my being.
France and Ukraine both came very close though.
Yes, spot on in all respects. Some years I have found all of it intolerable. It wasn't only the music this time around. I was especially impressed by the way Europe pulled out all of the stops to bring in one black person to sing and how it even agreed to let us have one of those sorts of people announcing our results. This brings the contest fully into line with the really, really liberal pro ethnicity 99% white European Parliament.
I think I may have written an accidental double negative. NEVER MIND.