Wednesday 9th February 2022 7:34pm
Royal Berkshire
69,993 posts
Quote: beaky @ 9th February 2022, 9:58 AM
I've noticed that the early series rely almost entirely on the tensions between Hyacinth(there couldn't be a better name for her!) and her downmarket family, improbable as this was. Wouldn't she have moved to the other side of the country to get away from them, rather than a few streets away? In the later series the family were sidelined, not even appearing in many episodes, and it became a lot funnier - Hyacinth versus the entire world.
Interesting. I've never noticed the family being "sidelined" in later series; although it's certainly true they branched out with a clearly larger production budget!
I think you've missed a nuance in the character and relationship with her family though. She's devoted to her father in particular, and loves them all - but just wishes they were 'better' and didn't embarrass her (and themselves) quite so readily. She's snooty, not uncaring.
Quote: Lazzard @ 9th February 2022, 10:13 AM
The whole "council house relatives" schtick was awful hilarious
Fixed it for you. ?