I was just listening to the radio and that new Nicklebac song, 'rockstar' came on. I notice they have cut out the word 'ass'. to the best of my knowledge ass isnt realy a swear word is it?
But it got me thinking. I was listening to the cast comentry on one of my Two pints DVD's the other day, and they said that they could only use the F word once per episode. Why is this? It doesnt become more offensive the more time it's heard does it? It's ok to swear once, but more than that is bad?
I always understood anything was ok after the watershed, if not then why is the watershed in place? So many times i have seen Jonathon Ross bleeped on his chat show, but at the time of night it goes out why?
I have a couple of swear words in my @Boy named shoe' script. Will this go against me?