Sunday 18th July 2021 10:53am
911 posts
Quote: Firkin @ 15th July 2021, 4:19 PM
Poor jokes lead to cancellation. I can see an attempt at humour in his recent tweets, but his facebook rant was angry, devoid of any humour. He back pedals and pretends the facebook essay was humour intended for his fan base. He had some fair points, but delivered with a denial of undeniable prejudice.
Thing is, when he was having a go at the "UKIP is bad" brand of comedy (I mean, I hated/hate UKIP, but it is easy low-hanging fruit), this was at a time when Nigel Farage himself was literally still appearing on HIGNFY, even laughing (seemingly genuinely amused) at the UKIP jibes. HIGNFY has still had Tory MPs/peers on recently.
Especially amusing since I'm sure his (BBC) radio show happened AFTER all this ranting about the BBC.
And yeah it's coming from prejudice. He has become extremely bitter. He went from a misanthropic/nihilistic brand of humour (I can't remember specific material these days worked and was well recieved) to straight-up spite. I watched a few of his videos on Twitter recently out of curiosity when they made their way to my timeline, and it was straight up hate. Dressing up as a policeman, or a lecturer, or whatever from some place/institution 'f**kstick university', running a 3 minute sneer-fest and full of straw-men examples of people. It neither worked as comedy or social commentary, it was straight up nonsensical.