Euros 20/21 Page 18
Quote: Chappers @ 8th July 2021, 5:23 PMA Dalmatian?
That's very paw.
Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 7th July 2021, 11:52 PMI'm exhausted after that - don't think me ticker will be able to stand watching on Sunday. Thank God it didn't go to penalties. Speaking of which...........................
AND!! I hope they can trace the retard who was shining a laser beam in Schmeichel's face as Kane took the penalty. Just what IS IT that is the matter with these cretins. Find them and ban from ALL grounds for life. F**king idiots
I think England should be kicked out of the competition. That would teach the twats!
Quote: Chappers @ 8th July 2021, 7:21 PMI think England should be kicked out of the competition. That would teach the twats!
You should be on the board of this heap of shit, if that's how you feel.
"The case will be dealt with by the Uefa Control, Ethics and Disciplinary Body (CEDB) in due course," said a statement from European football's governing body. What a load of bollocks - f**king UEFA gravy train.
Perhaps one of those faceless tossers can suggest how you can police something like that laser, along with the booing of national anthems - again, what a load of hairy round things.
Following the game the Danish FA representatives were asked if they wanted to make an official complaint, but said they did not wish to take the matter any further.
At least they've seen the futility of pursuing it, unlike the c**ts on UEFA who've rattled their cage, wanting to remind everyone how important they are. F**k off, you load of wasters
Couldn't be political could it? Nah, surely not
Anyway, he saved the penalty didn't he. There would have been no outcry had he tipped the ball round the post.
EDIT: I never saw the green light on his face but I condemn the person that did this and he/she should be banned and fined.
I support England, although sadly it'll boost the popularity of the repulsive Johnson and his vile government, who are already trying to claim responsibility for our success, with some deranged tossers even saying it's all thanks to Brexit! For that reason I wouldn't mind if Italy win.
You could always argue if England win it's an massive victory for BLM, Marxism, Taking a Knee, wokeism and all the other things that get GB News viewers in a boiling hot splother.
Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 9th July 2021, 8:37 AMCouldn't be political could it? Nah, surely not
EDIT: I never saw the green light on his face but I condemn the person that did this and he/she should be banned FOR LIFE and fined.
I see it IS political.....on here.
It's f**king football. Stop using absolutely anything to have a pop. Jesus!
Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 9th July 2021, 12:36 PMI see it IS political.....on here.
It's f**king football. Stop using absolutely anything to have a pop. Jesus!
You see pops where there are no pops! I was just pointing out that if people want to make a win out as some ridiculous victory for Brexit, you can counter that with it being a ridiculous victory for wokeism etc. Don't be so hypertensive, mon, and just accept that sometimes a discussion is just a discussion.
Although I'm not hugely confident of a victory. It's hard to be English and not expect us to f**k it up in some way.
The 1966 World Cup boosted Harold Wilson's popularity and being knocked out by West Germany four years later saw an unexpected Conservative victory in the General Election four days later.

All I was saying was that if we got kicked out the culprit would be forever feeling guilty and if people found out who it was his life wouldn't be worth living.
Quote: Chappers @ 9th July 2021, 2:58 PMAll I was saying was that if we got kicked out the culprit would be forever feeling guilty ........................
Really? I don't think these single eyebrow, knuckle dragging Cro-Magnons have a brain.
Yes that laser thing was dangerous and f**king despicable there are some Cretins who always follow England unfortunately, but English fans don't have a monopoly on thugs racists and sad minorities, Although booing the anthem is stupid, they might be making a left wing protest about government and monarchist rule in general for all we know
Football isn't politics, it's not Eurovision and it's not Brexit
. even if Twitter and the mass media would like it to be
We nearly had a proper tragedy early in the tournament, which put a lot of things in perspective, I'm so glad the Danes made that glorious run to the Semi's in Christians honour,
And for me the rest of the tournament has been really entertaining , even if the football has been ropey at times