Thursday 1st July 2021 8:13pm [Edited]
914 posts
Quote: EllieS @ 29th June 2021, 9:28 AM
That's a good point - hopefully they'll pop up later in the year, then. It's a shame they've done away with Comedy Room, but I think what they've really done is merge it with Drama Room, as they now accept comedy-drama scripts in that window. I suppose trad sitcoms and sketch shows now fall under G&S - the problem there is that there's only one 'winner', whereas Comedy Room created opportunities for a handful of writers every year. So, essentially, they've cut the number of places in half (unless they've doubled it for Drama Room, which I doubt).
Yeah, true. Does lessen the chances a bit!
Quote: Jaicee @ 1st July 2021, 9:29 AM
Apart from Susan Nickson with Two Pints , has any other comedy writer managed to get past the BBC gatekeepers with this scheme? I'm writing more radio drama scripts in the vain hope of getting something across . Problem is , they're so delightfully vague about what they want . It would be simpler if they specified what they don't want . Good luck with your material .
Not sure how often via BBC directly. One person that springs to mind is Lolly Adefope (Ghosts, This Time with Alan Partridge), I remember seeing/reading somewhere she was in writers room programme one year.
As you mention writing Radio, that seems to be a lot more open to new writers. Not sure how much drama wise, but the likes of NewsJack and others provide a much more a accessible route for comedy writers for sure.
Things like Red Planet Prize have provided some writers - winners and shortlisters alike have ended up producing work, seems more successful a route than Writer's Room.