Friday 18th June 2021 9:21pm
9,174 posts
Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 18th June 2021, 10:06 PM
You all seem to be tarred with same brush.
My tar.
My brush.
I was hoping to put a lid on it as this was the very reason I suggested someone (you in the end - thank you, by the way) start a Euros thread - to escape the toxic dialogue developing on the other football thread and allow the rest of us to enjoy a good chat about the football.
Sadly this backfired as our mutual friend had to stick his dreary oar in, as ever.
The bores shall inherit the earth, it seems.
I'll leave you to it - plenty of proper footie fans on Facebook.
You SG, I don't mind, Sir.
Robust argument is always fun.
Dull pettiness wears thin.
Come on England (said in hope rather than expectation)
Peace & Love.
Quote: Chappers @ 18th June 2021, 10:19 PM
You did it? By whose authority?
Reported his last post - requested it be greyed out.