Sunday 2nd May 2021 4:16pm [Edited]
914 posts
I liked it.
The Simon tech stuff feels like it has run its course, I agree. With the Ruth bits but feel like they go beyond cringe with it and and it's just a pain to watch. Not because of Lolly Adefope or Ruth, just the segment as a whole. Reminds me too much of real news, people just yelling over each other and passive aggressive one-upmanship.
Maybe it's just me but I was really amused by a couple of blink-and-you'll-miss-it moments, like when Alan was talking to Lynn, there's a shot lasting like half a second of the body language woman staring daggers at Alan (which I guess sets up her staring at him later), for some reason that tiny short shot made me laugh. And the nicely timed tiny bit about him advertising socks within the body language segment.
I feel I always enjoy the recorded segments and the (great) Monk stuff just makes me think they should lean more into an almost sketch show element with those. Sometimes the little moments with Lynn are funny when they have their 'roll VT' moment and break from the show, but feel like another stupid Alan bit would fit well in there in place of one of the 'behinds the scene Lynn chat' moments. The freeze frame cross bit in the monk segment felt like classic Partridge hubris, followed by a classic Alan fall (this time literally).
And that's the thing, evoking old cringe moments work - the last bit with the twins was fantastic because it's like the old 'Knowing Me Knowing You' live show carnage. Alan can sometimes be at his funniest in a panic/mania.
There's these moments where they really still nail the same types bits all these years on, and I wish the show as a whole gelled like the older Partridge shows.
Sorry that was a load of old waffle for "it's decent and I think they still nail some of the best qualities of Partridge in places".