Bough myself a new smartphone: a Motorola G9. Unlocked.
Taken me 2 days to try & sort out how to shift the phone numbers from my old fullsize SIMS in my old phone to new sims which can be subdivided into the teeny weenie Nano Sims.
'Twas tricky 'cos I found I could not login to my old O2 accounts to do the change, (some long time ago O2 made a real bargain pricing system for me which just slowly eats into a pre-paid credit & so I had not done a top up for well over a year, possibly 2 years), Then without any notification whatsoever from O2, yesterday (Thursday I found it no longer recognised my P/W or the phone numbers) and the O2 'agent' lady' didn't know how to sort it either.
Eventually I just tried recreating the accounts and linked them to my mobile numbers & hey presto that worked. I've switched my secondary phone number to a nano SIM and the main phone number change is in progress now. Hopefully it'll be al done by termorra morn.
So hopefully I get to keep my cheap, 'Classic PayAsYouGo' payment scheme. {O2 realised that it was a lousy scheme for O2, they won't make any money on that scheme, so it is no longer available to 'new' customers).