Got to mid ep4 (of s1) before my dvd player froze.
I'd been thinking it's my dvds until now, Anyway, very interesting to watch again after 30 plus years and was surprised how slimy Paul is, he really is trying to pull Martin's wife (who is hard to take as his wife tbh, you'd almost think she was his carer).
It's very watchable while at the same time, slightly uncomfortable viewing, not your typical peak time domestic sitcom of the period. It's more the sort of thing done in one off serials or films. I'm guessing this 'darker' element of Paul pursuing her gets watered down as it goes on, it just feels a tad too heavy or creepy for a mainstream sitcom from the 80s. But we shall see, possibly via a new dvd player.
One little side observation is of the colour of the liquid in the titles sequence. I wrongly remembered it as clear water on a pond or lake but it turns out to be tea. Which does make good metaphorical sense.
Quote: G180e @ 23rd January 2021, 3:15 PM
I found the first series very slow and boring (at times)
I didn't find this myself, I found it to be a bit 'darker' for want of a better word than I remembered it to be but also fairly riveting, for the often toe curling characterisation of Martin. And for a first series of a sitcom I found it to very well formed and established looking.