I could start a toy business
So, you have won the lottery! Page 5
Quote: ComedyGeek @ 20th March 2014, 7:36 PM GMTI could start a toy business
Why not start a real one?
Quote: ComedyGeek @ 20th March 2014, 7:36 PM GMTI could start a toy business
Stan Summers?
Quote: ComedyGeek @ 20th March 2014, 7:30 PM GMTI would hire a hangar and put cars in there
And then . . . ?
I should Put buses in there too
I would go into work early and leave huge cheques on the desks of all the decent people I like and fck all to the wankers who've pissed me off all these years
I would give shit loads to the RSPCA and homeless charities
Loads to family
And I'd leave a mill for myself to live on
To live in, surely?
And to grind my corn in
Quote: lofthouse @ 21st March 2014, 9:10 PM GMTYea
And to grind my corn in
More bad jokes then . .
Stfu you grouchy ole git!
It's an interesting question
Does it make you think of the thing that you hold most dear, the way you would love your life given the choice
Or just how much would it cost to get someone in to stop you getting too drunk or fat or other
You don't need to win the lottery to get too fat or drunk. If you try hard enough and budget sensibly anyone can get there, that's how I've done it.
Nice thread and RC was a viper. If I won the lottery I would definitely choose to remain anonymous as that would probably also bring some legal protection with it preventing media from publishing my name. That would reduce the attention I got and I would then move somewhere secret to draw up plans and get financial advice. A big problem when you go public is all the people who then start asking for help with the mortgage or a loan for a new business idea. Friends, family, strangers, colleagues...If you say no you're the bad guy.
I remember a documentary of lottery winners and there was one husband and wife who seemed such a genuine and nice couple who had worked hard to build up a nice home and even though they were never flashy when they won the lottery they said people who were once friends became nasty. It was sad because you could tell they were really hurt by it.
If I won a massive amount like £100m+ I would set up a charitable animal sanctuary. A place of healthcare, education and profitable so it outlives me by generations. Animals are our future. Treat them well and let them lead the way.
Have I? I didn't know I'd even bought a ticket.