[009 enters the outer office. Miss Pennymoney is sat at desk]
Pennymoney: Commander. Welcome to MI6.
009: Thank you Pennymoney.
[Throws bowler hat misses stand and goes straight through window]
Pennymoney: Never mind, you’ll get the hang of it.
009: Yes….sorry.
Pennymoney: Go on in. M’s waiting for you.
009: Thanks.
[He enters inner office. M is sat behind the desk. He stands to shake hands]
M: Welcome to the firm 009. I’d like you to meet the gang.
[Men begin walking in from offstage and each shake 009’s hand]
M: This is A.
009: Hello
M: This is B
009: Hello
M: You’ve met C of course.
009: Hello again.
M: And finally Z. Well there you have it. Sit down commander.
[They do so]
M: Well how are you finding it all? A bit daunting I expect.
009: I don’t think I can take the job sir.
M: Goodness me, why ever not?
009: I’m dyslexic.