Nice one.....................'ang on a minute, you've put me bottom.
BCG Fantasy Premier League 2020/21 Page 25
To be fair, I gave up on women once I realised that none of them would agree to having broccoli to nibble up their intimate parts although the mad bint from the circus was a wow with her multiiude of her pet goldfish. Not that it matters now. Tbh before sex, I wasn't ain't into soccer much. That's until I went into me tent on me own eating grubs and rubbing me sticks together for a self survival, Then I saw him as an arsehole. Pep Guardiolarish. Well overrrated. I had him round 'ere for planting daffodil bulbs and ended up doing them alls meself 'cos he spent the time gazing lovingly in the mirror at eself and shaving his mauve baldy ead.
Anyways, how is it going pals with all of yous, me old Chinaolarishes?
Has it all gorn Trump or Biden in the spears of your veggy green parlourishes ? - sorry, daft question. It all amounts to the bleedin' same. I wouldn't expect anything like a decent answer if I was Proust with a crocus round my regalia, This is not at all to suggest superiority on my part. I don't even know what Proust is.
But only for nows, boys.
Best wishes to your families and take care on the 24/7 golf course!
I ope I won't ruin the chances of any perfect round but as this is 2020 I have been strongly advised by my counseller to be total open about the fact that I have shagged every 18th hole in the entire country.
Such as it now is.
Not bein weird but at 57 I still don't need viagra and cream up a fair amount of cabbage and albatross.
Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 5th November 2020, 9:50 AMI heard that if you know who to bung in the Fantasy Premier League, magical things can happen.
Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 5th November 2020, 10:40 AM
Nice one.....................'ang on a minute, you've put me bottom.
Well no because I'm obviously lower than that.
Which league are you in Dave?
upper case lower case or have you made your own breakaway one?
My Goalie has a clean sheet so I'm trying to get my lawyers to stop the game week now while I seem to be doing ok
Quote: Steve Sunshine @ 6th November 2020, 9:44 PMWhich league are you in Dave?
upper case lower case or have you made your own breakaway one?
Well I'm "there or there abouts" - somwhere. Bunnymen United. Have I already been relegated?
Sorry mate I never look at the table before Christmas
Well not this season anyway
Quote: Chappers @ 6th November 2020, 7:19 PMWell no because I'm obviously lower than that.
Bad news Chappers - with such poor results, you've been voted off the league as it looks bad when someone has so few points.
Quote: Chappers @ 6th November 2020, 9:46 PMWell I'm "there or there abouts" - somwhere. Bunnymen United. Have I already been relegated?
You're in the danger zone.
Don and Playfull are below you though and are likely to be there for a while, since Playfull spent 104pts on transfers and Don started GW3 after he was bounced out of the league on IPv4 irregularities.
I know Don's name is 'Started GW4', but he really did start GW3 - that's just one of the f**kups our mini-league is noted for.

As witty as that is Herc, the actual offside rule gets more ridiculous every week.
Two players clearly in front of Bamford. One not by millimeters but over a foot (a good mix of metric and imperial there)
He stayed on side and leant forward to run for the ball (that's exactly how you beat the offside trap)
But the goal was disallowed by none footballers sat in a room. Pah.
It was only Leeds though.
Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 8th November 2020, 10:35 AM
That's much worse than Mane's v Everton, how pathetic can you get as a var? His hand maybe is a fraction is offside but he can't touch the ball with it so therefore it's not in play and has no advantage for him. Both feet are behind the last defender's for ffs, how more onside can you get without being the keeper? Var's bad enough without these petty minded twats misusing it. Football as a fast moving game was never meant to be frozen in milliseconds and analysed by a laboratory twat for the merest millimetre infringement according to his staid interpretation of a flat image which doesn't portray the full reality anyway.
The benefit should always go to the attacking side, if it looks about level they should give the goal, he's had the skill to beat the defence and the keeper that should be rewarded, not scrutinised forensically to find the faintest of reasons to disallow a good goal. The refs and the FA have lost the plot! Twats.
To be frank, if you are going to even begin to do the Pennine Way, I personally would not wear a leather jacket and Doctor Marten boots and tattoos and a bald head haircut and denim a la Status Quo. I mean, what at the end of the day is anyone standing up to other than death itself?: No, just get yourselves off to Millets and properly kitted out. Proper walking boots and rain proof overalls and thick socks which are there to be on your feet for protection. Then choose a much easier option like the Brian Clough and Peter Taylor trail. 'Course you can stop off and admire all the women England players who pushed it too far and so there are just some lovely gravestones in their memory en route. Enjoy your bacon sandwich and your beer.
So not to be weird as I am not but - true story - the first time I heterosexually shared a bed to save money with a black family man it was he who was the one who was concerned about the size of my cock poking into him inadvertently in the night. Had I not been white and he wasn't my friend I could have done him for stereotypical racism but as it was the law required me simply to be hung like a donkey and deeply unusual.
Incidentally, every time you feel inferior to some self proclaimed adonis, always remember that less then five minutes ago, they were wiping semen out of their belly button. I will be back later with some football tips and life saving nudges for our elderly population in terms of their need to view fascism through a new lens.