Quote: Godot Taxis @ 19th September 2020, 11:58 AM
I'm in the new bullshit league that Thynne set up............................................
Thank you Alf for pointing out to Godot that the CLIQUE is NOT of my creation - I do wish you would get your facts right Mr.Taxi before you mouth off AND.............................
...........I am at a complete loss at the attitude of you and Don with regards to non-posters, when you both seem so keen to get back to the Clique clique that is managed by Dan who only makes and appearance once a year and there's little else from others.
THIS CLIQUE at least has people who post. I'm sitting here shaking my head in disbelief at your contradictory rant over what I can only think is some sort of tradition. Unbelievable.
Quote: don rushmore @ 19th September 2020, 1:13 PM
No way I'm putting up with another season of, as Godot says, people not pulling their weight.
Quote: Godot Taxis @ 19th September 2020, 7:26 PM
Non posting should also include worthless moaning posting without humour, and 'driveby posting' that ignores the conversations open in the thread. 'Doing a Gerry' as it is known in some quarters.
We're only two f**king weeks in and you two are griping already, having not given the new properly managed league a chance with the threat of going over to the other league that had virtually no one posting on it.
Last season, when Don and Godot were not in it, there were weeks where I was the only person talking to myself and getting thoroughly pissed off I can tell you, and so welcomed the chance to have a properly run, frequented and supported league unlike previous.
AGAIN, I cannot believe the hypocrisy, and I'm f**king annoyed now.