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Bit of a whinge on bad netiquette

Recently I have noticed that threads in critique forum have been sometimes hijacked into lengthy discussions about the relative merits of the subject matter rather than the piece of work itself.

Now although it's sometimes relevant to the sketch it frequently detracts and puts others off either leaving a comment or else being bothered to read the actual sketch. The writers' discussion forum exists for this kind of thing surely. I think we should try and keep this activity to a minimum.

Then we have other petty squabbles that also put people off and that are very frustrating. Bad enough if it's on their own threads but when they hijack someone else's thread to keep it going it really is ingnorant in the extreme. Take it outside kids why dontcha?

But worst thing of all is people who take it on themselves to do a total rewrite of somebody else's sketch.

Apart from it being fu**ing bad mannered it is rather, in most cases, unnecessary, almost always missing the point of the sketch by a mile as they don't know what the originator of the work had in mind. It also frequently prompts their claque to pitch in with "yeah that's a whole lot better!

Sure, the odd time a suggested re-write is appropriate but only when the originator actually asks for it, otherwise I think it is bad netiquette in the extreme.

People put their work up for comment if you want to talk about something else don't post on their threads. Start a new one in Discussion Pirate

I've said my two penn'orth and now I'll shut up

Valid point Blek, I am keeping an eye on things, honestly! I just can't watch everything at once unfortunatly as I try to read sketches then make sure there isn't a arguement ect. then I tend to move on.

I shall watch over things like this more as I personally find it quite annoying too, I think you're just a bit angry over this happening in your own sketch, but yes Blek you raised some points.

Hang your heads in shame!!

I think if you're putting material up in critique you need to be thick skinned.

Everyone has the right to freedom of speech. The only thing that annoys me is when people hold arguments in threads. It does lead to somewhat ridiculously long threads. I did try and report one last week which had descended into bitching, but my report went unnoticed.

Quote: Winterlight @ March 16, 2008, 8:47 PM

Everyone has the right to freedom of speech. The only thing that annoys me is when people hold arguments in threads. It does lead to somewhat ridiculously long threads. I did try and report one last week which had descended into bitching, but my report went unnoticed.

Arguements are unfortunatly going to happen and I agree it helps to be thick skinned but having threads turning into pointless debates/ arguements does get old.

And WL I mod the critique forum, PM me and I will try my best to get on top of it.

I was guilty of this on Blenkinsop's thread. I hereby apologise. Sorry Blenko.

And would very much like to blame someone else. But I can't think of anybody.

Hmm most threads seem to dissolve into silliness or argument after a while. Critique one's are no exception. I post a lot of sketches, and often find the 12 responses, are silly banter, and argument. That's when it's not 0 responses.

The thing I guess one has to take away. Is some times the great skit one, wrote, is just not that interesting or entertaining to people. Just because you put it up, doesn't entitle you to 2 pages of carefully thought out criticism.

I'm afraid I've learnt to view disinterest as an often fair description of the skit.

It doesn't help, when some times there is a decidedly thin skinned attitude towards criticism by posters.

As for rewrites, that does seem a bit over the top. That said if you put stuff up, the assumption is you want feedback. Sometimes that's suggestions on how you could've done it better, in other opinions.

We've discussed the innapropriateness of (unasked for) rewrites before.

Quote: Winterlight @ March 16, 2008, 8:47 PM

I think if you're putting material up in critique you need to be thick skinned.

I don't think that comment has anything to do with what I'm saying here. I'm talking about basic good manners. In the words of Jim Royle "I couldn't give a shiny shite" about what people think of my work.

(EDIT: Of course I care - I hope they like it but I'm not about to top myself if they don't. There's no way 100% of people will like your work. I'd settle for 50% myself)

I will only answer back if I think they are totally wrong or have missed the point. I will act on advice if I believe it to be relevant or good and otherwise just note it and move on.

I'm talking about pepole going off topic. This has nothing to do with how a writer percieves his or her work to have been critiqued. I may as well post bits of my thesis on thermonuclear dynamics by way of critique as it has as much relevance as a valid comment as some critiques I've seen on here of late.

I'm talking about in general here. I read almost everything that goes up on critique and anyone who thinks that this is motivated by my own personal interest has once again missed the point.

The sketch referred to by Paul was really the straw that broke the camel's back. I've thought about posting this on more than one occasion recently as I've read so many threads were people have had their work virtually ignored because of the behaviour I'm referring. My sketch was well received by most making a comment on *it* btw so my skin has not been troubled at all.

Hi Zoo

Not need to apologise as I wasn't thinking about you or indeed anybody in particular. It's just that I've been around here for longer than most and the critique forum seems to be getting a bit silly at times.

There are some "edgier" characters around now and that's all well and good but I think that in critique we need to critique work and keep it at that. People want feedback on their work good or bad that's all.

People who can't take bad crits have no business posting at all if all they want is their arses licked.

I've tried to guide people onto separate threads before where it's devolved into a talk about issues rather than material - and using someone else's thread to get a little dig in about another BSGer is rife and bloody pathetic. (I only say that as I am a frequent target!)

Frankly I do think it's a bit cheeky though to have a go at people who take the time to offer critique. For me, I offered an opinion on the "last straw" piece that triggered this thread and then engaged in a little bit of banter that was linked to the sketch - why not?!

IMO you've a right to be pissed off a bit if either a) Someone randomly comes on and starts chatting on the thread without first offering an opinion,
or b) offers an opinion but then quickly starts talking about something completely unrelated like football or something.

Otherwise - jeez! Get some perspective.

I'm not terribly keen on "rewrites" but it's still a form of feedback. Where to draw the line? It's called "critique", so surely some advice, eg: "this line would read better written xxx" is definitely appropriate.

As for other interpretations of a piece - so what? You can always disregard it!
I understand the annoyance of off-topic posts but wishing to stifle discussion that's directly related to the sketch is surely odd.

Well if you can't handle the heat, stop eating the Ketchup

Blimey Blenks - that was a long post!!!

But I do agree - when I see a post of more than about 10 lines I really can't be bothered to read it. There may be valid points but I really haven't got the time.

Quote: David Chapman @ March 16, 2008, 10:33 PM

Blimey Blenks - that was a long post!!!

But I do agree - when I see a post of more than about 10 lines I really can't be bothered to read it. There may be valid points but I really haven't got the time.

But surely however many replies there are/what the replies say is irrelevant to whether you'll read the actual piece?!

The piece offered for crit is the first post!


You don't have to read others' opinions to have one yourself...

Quote: James Williams @ March 16, 2008, 10:37 PM

But surely however many replies there are/what the replies say is irrelevant to whether you'll read the actual piece?!

The piece offered for crit is the first post!


You don't have to read others' opinions to have one yourself...

It's useful to know though in case you're repeating what someone else says - and then you can just say "I agree with Jake" or something.

Quote: Winterlight @ March 16, 2008, 8:47 PM

I did try and report one last week which had descended into bitching, but my report went unnoticed.

How/where did you report it?

Quote: James Williams @ March 16, 2008, 10:03 PM

Frankly I do think it's a bit cheeky though to have a go at people who take the time to offer critique. For me, I offered an opinion on the "last straw" piece that triggered this thread and then engaged in a little bit of banter that was linked to the sketch - why not?!

Otherwise - jeez! Get some perspective.

I'm not terribly keen on "rewrites" but it's still a form of feedback. Where to draw the line? It's called "critique", so surely some advice, eg: "this line would read better written xxx" is definitely appropriate.

I understand the annoyance of off-topic posts but wishing to stifle discussion that's directly related to the sketch is surely odd.

James in answer to some of your points in no particular order.

I'm not having a go at people who take the time to critique per se. The "last straw" piece was not, I fear, triggered by you - and once again people don't seem to realise that I'm talking in general here. Why don't you read what I'm saying? The sketch I refer to was merely the catalyst that made me start the thread. It is inspired by many critiques of others' (not my) work.

In recent months I have read critiques of others' material that got side tracked into the most stupid and pointless sniping, quasi-philosophical and downright bloody stupid nonsense that I felt sorry for the poor original poster whose piece became of no consequence. Your own sitcom from a few weeks ago being a case in point.

How you can suggest that I wish to stifle any relevant comment on a sketch by what I have said here baffles me. I'm referring to the protracted discussions that develop about the rights and wrongs of any given topic as opposed to opinions on the actual piece itself.

My point on rewrites if you care to read it is on total rewrites and posted in the same thread. These IMO don't offer much by way of constructive criticism. It's saying "yeah your idea is OK or shit but here's how you should do it cos I know better"

Offering suggestions for changing lines here and there is not so bad and a valid thing to do. But if one thinks that a piece is so badly written that one must change it all then a PM is more appropriate. We have writers of all ages and abilities on here and if a relatively young and inexperienced writer gets a savaging like that then it can have a very bad effect on them. Surely these (total redrafts) aren't the actions of a helping writers' community community? When I see total rewrites of writers work it really pisses me off big styleee.

And finally.


Sidebars as our American friends would have it are just that and for another thread as you have suggested yourself James.

That's me done on this thank you and good night and I love you all

*Dances off like Eric and Ernie*

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