Rood Eye
Monday 22nd June 2020 8:44pm [Edited]
4,103 posts
Four authors have resigned from JK Rowling's literary agency following JK's controversial suggestion that human gender has more to do with biology than with an individual's mental processes.
Fox Fisher, Drew Davies and Ugla Stefanía Kristjönudóttir Jónsdóttir (no, the cat has NOT just walked over my keyboard!) have left the agency as well as a fourth author who wishes to remain anonymous.
If I cast my mind back into the mists of time I can remember when people with different opinions were, more often than not, able to live and work with each other quite amicably.
Bob Dylan told us in 1964 that "The times they are a-changing" and he was right.
The question in 2020, however, is whether or not human genders are a-changing or whether indeed they are, ever were or ever will be a-changeable.