Wednesday 24th June 2020 8:38pm [Edited]
508 posts
There's something about the wide shot of the living room that's reminiscent of recent multi-camera setups. It feels very still, I don't know if there's something about the production that makes it feel this way but it's a feeling I don't really get with old sitcoms. It doesn't make sense either as there's quite a few on location scenes and also different camera angles inside, but sometimes it just stays on that shot for a bit.
At the recommendation of a post earlier in this thread I watched the first episode of the second series. If we get to see the play that one of the sons is dressing up as a locust for then I'll have to watch on, as the nativity at the end of the Christmas special is one of my highlights of the series so far. The joke was how poor the acting was but tellingly it wasn't much different to how the two lads are written anyway.
With how rude Maggie's been to her I've warmed up to Georgia a bit, I think it helps that she's got a Lee and Herring poster in her room.
Edit: There's no follow-up on the play the locust costume was for, to say the least. God, it gets mawkish at points. And I think they have more orange juice in that house than all other food and drink combined.