Friday 12th June 2020 12:58pm
Royal Berkshire
69,996 posts
Quote: Sitcomfan64 @ 12th June 2020, 8:41 AM
Exactly. I think editing old shows or removing them is a very dangerous road. It's akin to sweeping things under the carpet and pretending it never happened and you simply cannot edit history. It happened whether people like it or not. If they don't then simply don't watch, but you cannot start removing things.
Love Thy Neighbour uses horribly racist language. That was the point. If people actually watched it they would see that both characters are as bad as the other and give as good as they get. The words have to be put in context and I'm afraid these days context seems to have been forgotten entirely.
100% agreed.
Quote: Wheel @ 12th June 2020, 9:23 AM
surely DVD's are on the way out? Like VHS was back in the late 90s early 2000s
No - there's a subtle difference going on.
VHS was supplanted by the superior DVD format. DVD, in turn, has been partially supplanted by Blu-ray, and Blu-ray by 3D Blu-ray and 4K/UHD Blu-ray, where the original production master allows.
Physical media sales are generally on the decline as streaming services gain popularity, but specialist releases of obscure titles, reams of extra features, and audiences who want reliability and quality are (and will) keep the market going.
What we see at the moment will likely give physical media a boost again: it's the first time we've seen prominent example of the negatives of streaming platforms. I've already seen many people talking about buying some of the affected shows on DVD, as they were their "go-to favourites" etc.
Quote: Wheel @ 12th June 2020, 9:57 AM
I'm really worried if they remove OFAH episode from TV as the episodes on the DVDs are cut!
Are the versions broadcast not the same ones that are on the DVD releases?
Quote: Feeoree @ 12th June 2020, 10:53 AM
It's because of the N word, and was the original version playing on these services. Cleese approved cutting the dialogue years ago, and I assume the cut version will be on these services pretty soon.
May be wrong, but I believe the cut version is what was already being used.