Quote: john tregorran @ 7th June 2020, 10:11 PM
he does ludicrous though just about acceptable liberal elongation within a tight post conservative and social democratic framework, while taking it all up to the utterly ethereal.
It's RVW meets Bowie, is it not?
Haven't got a clue
but I like listening to it.
It is modern classical but with lots of romantic era stuff.
This is an interesting modern piece.The composer uses actual bird song in the music.
I approve of Rautavaara. 
Talking of Scandinavia, the second best symphony of all time is, of course, Sibelius 5 although I am not huge on Sibelius overall. I had to awaken from a post alcohol dream state with the sun shining in to fully get it but exactly the same thing had happened 30 years earlier with RVW2. It can be a doorway.
It is also arguably birds, especially in its wonderful finale.
There is, of course, an unanswered question (to paraphrase Ives) as to whether birds do birds better than music does birds.
As a champion of the true underdog, as opposed to Winston Churchill crucifying thugs of which there are so many now, I have also promoted along with Roy Harris these two American composers, the first who is virtually an unknown and in my opinion the true heir to prairie Copland as he travels in "3" across the vast American lands and the second who is sort of regarded as a gay hippy alternative and yet by rights should be seen as a genius for the way in which he did America looking beyond its own boundaries (which it should do more). These are two of the greatest modern US symphonies - the greatest in my humble opinion - and each should be massive. It is because the culture is crass that they aren't so - or yet.
Samuel Jones - 3 - 1992 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiGNcHLEgKc
Lou Harrison - 3 - 1982 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27I8YOlRZSM
(I told you I had taught myself a lot!!! - if anybody likes either of them, please spread the word so they get recognition.)